Thompson a Defense of Abortion – Essay – annette_lombard
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Thompson a Defense of Abortion
Annette Lombard PHIL 1740: First Paper AssignmentProf. StanglSpring 2017A Defense of Abortion Judith Jarvis Thomson argues that even if a fetus has a right to life abortion is morally permissible. Thomson poses the hypothetical idea where one is kidnapped and hooked up to a world famous violinist and his life depends on being hooked up to you for an indefinite amount of time. The conclusion is made that unplugging yourself from the violinist is not unjust as he is using your body against your will. Taking into account this situation Thompson hypothesizes different time periods to which the violinist will be hooked up to your body. When contrasting an hour which seems just slightly inconvenient to nine years Thompson points out nothing becomes morally permissible based on the level of inconvenience. To unplug yourself from the violinist would be morally permissible because you do not owe him anything. Thompson goes on to conclude that even if the fetus has the right to life it does not have the right to use another person’s body even if it’s life depends on it. Another example Thomson provides is the scenario where a box of chocolates is given to two brothers. Say both brothers are entitled to the chocolates however the older brother unjustly takes the chocolates all for himself. In this situation the older brother is certainly being unjust to the younger brother as they had equal claim to the chocolate. However now say the box of chocolates was only given to the older brother and he eats them in front of his younger brother. The older brother is not required to share with his younger brother even though it would be considered rude not to. Thomson goes on to say that even though the older brother ought to give the younger brother the chocolates he is doing no injustice, just as women ought to share their bodies with fetuses however they are not required.

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(2017, 04). Thompson a Defense of Abortion. Retrieved 04, 2017, from
“Thompson a Defense of Abortion” 04 2017. 2017. 04 2017 < "Thompson a Defense of Abortion.", 04 2017. Web. 04 2017. < "Thompson a Defense of Abortion." 04, 2017. Accessed 04, 2017. Essay Preview By: annette_lombard Submitted: April 24, 2017 Essay Length: 323 Words / 2 Pages Paper type: Essay Views: 436 Report this essay Tweet Related Essays A Defense of Abortion Extreme conservatives would have abortion made illegal. If we outlaw abortion it would not stop women from having them In “A Defense of Abortion” Judith 551 Words  |  3 Pages A Defense on Abortion In Judith Jarvis Thompson's essay, “A Defense on Abortion”, she explains her views on the topic by outlining the most common arguments that people defend, 1,672 Words  |  7 Pages In Defense of Abortion For hundreds of years women helped each other to abort their pregnancies. Without legal prohibitions, women in Europe and the United States provided abortions and 1,639 Words  |  7 Pages A Defense on Abortion In Judith Jarvis Thompson's essay, “A Defense on Abortion”, she explains her views on the topic by outlining the most common arguments that people defend, 1,672 Words  |  7 Pages Similar Topics Indirect Realist Theory Perception Defensible Abortion Facts Get Access to 89,000+ Essays and Term Papers Join 209,000+ Other Students High Quality Essays and Documents Sign up © 2008–2020 EssaysForStudent.comFree Essays, Book Reports, Term Papers and Research Papers Essays Sign up Sign in Contact us Site Map Privacy Policy Terms of Service Facebook Twitter

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Defense Of Abortion Judith Jarvis Thomson And Defense Of Abortion. (July 4, 2021). Retrieved from