Outdoor Living Trends
Essay Preview: Outdoor Living Trends
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Outdoor Living Trends
The focus of this reflective report is Trend Forecasting and its influence on Interior Design.
Through this module many Trend Forecasting Companies and in general the principles of Trend Forecasting were researched. Therefore, this subject has significantly grown in its importance for both designers and architects who need to be up to date and follow the current trend predictions.
For this project, the predictions for 2012 and 2013 were studied which resulted in the creation of an on-line source book that reflects some of the current trend observations. With reference to this project, the new trends for Outdoor Living were applied.
Furthermore many wonderful design magazines, books and websites were studied and it can be seen that there is a definite reflection of global trends in the whole scheme of interior design.
What the Experts Say
1.1.1. Definition of a Trend Forecaster
“Trend forecasters are lifestyle detectives: men and women who spend their time detecting patterns or shifts in attitudes, mindsets or lifestyle options, that run against current thinking or how people normally behave, live, dress, communicate and trade.” Martin Raymond (2010, p. 12)
It appears that foresting requires a lot of interest and curiosity in a variety of subjects ranging from art, design, science, technology, innovations, psychology, society and others.
Despite this, the trend forecaster has to predict future demand and create the trend block for the next trend or season. The trend forecaster needs to focus on what is new and what will come next. The surprise is that the trend forecaster needs to make a decision about this without discussing it with other trend forecasters. Solely he/she needs to make decisions and be able to encourage new ideas and yet it is still a long process to discover a new trend.
Picture 1: Heimtextils “Geologist” Floor Plans Trend by S.Pepitone, 2013
1.1.2 Definition of a Trend
“A trend can be defined as the direction in which something tends to move and which has a consequential impact on the culture, society or business sector through which it moves.” Martin Raymond (2010, p. 14)
Research has discovered that the Trend is very important. It creates style, movements, direction for success in design and future business. It shows current style and reflects what is popular in our surroundings.
It appears that some trends are appealing, fun and great and these may last longer. However, at one point there will always be a new trend which will eventually replace the old one.
It was found that trends are not only in fashion and design area but also in entertainment, pop culture, technology, economy, or even financial and political systems. All trends are very important for inspiration and making decisions.
Picture 2: Mobile Technology Trends
Furthermore, the study has found that it is not easy to set the trend, furthermore it takes a while to decide which one is going to prevail and for how long.
1.1.3. Variety of Trends
The recent Module showed that there are many characteristics of trends in fashion and design. Not only do trend forecasters change colours, textures, styles or patterns but they for instance make trends in functional space as well.
For example, this trend can be seen in the size of bathroom, living room or nowadays popular outdoor space living space. Outdoor living trends bring nature closer to our homes; as such it is likely here to stay for a longer period of time. Other popular trends depend on the developed materials or new technologies, for instance it is interesting to use sustainable, recycled, reclaimed or renewable materials for interiors and exteriors.
It is known that there were some predictions involving nature, however it is nice to see that the current trends were predicted in sustainable business and furthermore in the realm of commercial landscaping. For example there is a trend study of Ernst & Young:
“Ernst & Young and GreenBiz Group released a new study, entitled 2013 Six Growing Trends in Corporate Sustainability: companies are increasingly connecting the dots between risk management and sustainability by making sustainability issues more prominent on corporate agendas.” Raz Godelnik, 2013 Ernst &