Emt 407 – Lecture Slides on Attraction Managment – Presentation or Speech – Issac Aik Hai
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Emt 407 – Lecture Slides on Attraction Managment
EMT407 Leisure and Attractions ManagementSTUDY UNIT 2Key Stakeholders & Development of AttractionsCHAPTER 2: KEY STAKEHOLDERS & DEVELOPMENT OF ATTRACTIONSOBJECTIVES At the end of this unit, you are expected to:Identify the stakeholders in the leisure/attractions industryAnalyse the reasons for significant tourist growthMap out the macroenvironment surrounding the leisure/attraction marketAnalyse the main components that make up the microenvironment of an attractionAnalyse the motivation, type and development process of an attractionFormulate the process of a feasibility studyAppraise the problems associated with a feasibility studyOrganise and manage a good attractionOVERVIEWThe number of attractions around the world has grown at an exponential rate in the past few decades. Likewise, the number of people visiting these attractions have increased dramatically. This reflects an enormous growth in international and domestic tourism.To tap on this strong growth, organisations continuously conceptualise and develop new attractions. But the development of new attractions is a challenging and arduous task. It requires much understanding about the macroenvironment in which the attraction operates as well as its microenvironment. Detailed studies have to be carried out to determine the feasibility of the concept before actual development takes place. 2.1 Identify Stakeholders in the Leisure/Attractions IndustryThe key stakeholders in the leisure and attractions industry are all the businesses and services involved in the tourism industry.Key stakeholdersExamplesTravel agentsSellers who provide range of products from package holidays, flights, currency to guide books.Tour operators (including online services)Agencies putting together travel packages for visitors. Eg. Chan Brothers Travel, Flight Centre.Accommodation & cateringHotels, restaurants, hostels etcAttractionsMuseums, galleries, parks, theme parks etcTransportationAir, Sea, Land transport providers. Eg, Jetstar, Singapore Airlines, Eurorail, Batam Fast etc.Public sectorTourism boards, Tourist Information Centres etc.Table 2.1: Key stakeholders
2.2 Reasons for significant tourist growthThere are many reasons for the significant tourist growth:increase disposable incomemore leisure time in terms of paid holidays, a two-day weekend for most people, and the ability to build up extra holiday through ‘flexitime’ systemsdevelopment in technology leading to sophisticated reservation systems and better aircraftthe growth of personal mobility through mass car ownershipeducationthe media which provide images and information about destinations and attractionsincreased marketing of destinations and attractions as governments and private companies recognize the economic benefits of tourismthe rise of the package holiday, which helped make travel affordable for most people and took the fear out of travelling to other countries2.3 MacroenvironmentLike many other organisations, attractions exist within a business environment and are affected by a range of factors. Some of these factors are beyond the control of the attraction and the attraction can only respond to them in the best way possible. The business environment is made up of two components – the macroenvironment and the microenvironment. The macroenvironment is made up of societal forces and exercise a strong influence on organisations. Macroenvironment factors are generally beyond the control of the organisation.Macroenvironment are usually studied under four classifications – Political, Economic, Sociocultural and Technological. (1) PoliticalPolitical factors cover all actions and policies of governmental bodies, including legislations and policies.
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By: Issac Aik Hai
Submitted: April 14, 2018
Essay Length: 3,559 Words / 15 Pages
Paper type: Presentation or Speech Views: 359
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