Diamond Chemicals PlcDiamond Chemicals PlcCorporate FinanceCase Analysis ‘Diamond Chemicals Plc (A)’Submitted By:Shashank Shekhar Suri (0336/51)Ashik Siroya (0355/51)T. Rohith Raja (0372/51)Vibhu Sharma(0391/51)Vishal Savanur (0401/51)Vivek Salwan (0406/51)Corporate FinanceCase Discussion : ‘Diamond Chemicals Plc (A)’What should Morris be prepared to say to her assistant plant manager?The assistant manager wanted Morris to include an EPC project as a part of the overall project since the overall positive NPV will be easily be able to sustain the negative NPV of the EPC project. Morris should not agree to the proposal and explain to the assistant plant manager that the EPC project is unrelated to the overall project and including this would be against corporate ethics. What should Morris be prepared to say to the analyst from the Treasury Stock?Andrew Gowan, the analyst from the Treasury Stock suggested that the 10% hurdle rate used is nominal but the real target rate of return is 7% (long term inflation of 3% per year). Morris should continue to use 10% because the inflation rate given in exhibit 2 is specific to polypropylene costs & prices only whereas the hurdle rate should include 3% inflation rate which is prevailing in the market. Moreover, since the overall financial projection done for cash flows and income statement are nominal, the discount rate used should also be nominal.What should Morris be prepared to say to the Director of Sales?Since the industry is in a downturn, there is a strong chance of the production from Merseyside to cannibalize the production from Rotterdam. Even if we consider the case where the entire incremental output of Merseyside cannibalizes output from Rotterdam (on the basis that after revamp Merseyside will be able to produce at lower costs), the projection reflects a positive NPV of £2.91million and IRR of 16.3%, (satisfying the required criteria)Also if we consider the case suggested by VP Marketing where, cannibalization will occur during recession period only (we have assumed recession to last for the first 3 years), we get NPV of £6.17 million and IRR 21.3%. So in both scenarios the project satisfies required criteria.

What should Morris be prepared to say to the Transport Division?The Transport Division has an excess capacity which would not immediately impact the capital budgeting but they would be required to advance their capacity expansion plans from 2005 to 2003. We have considered a cash outflow of £2 million in 2003 and a cash inflow of £2 million in 2005. We have also taken  into account the opportunity costs arising out of advancement of investment and the tax consequences due to change in depreciation schedule. We have analyzed 3 possible scenariosS NoScenarioNPV (£million)IRR1No cannibalization + impact on transport division7.9625.20%215 years cannibalization + impact on transport division2.6215.40%33 years cannibalization + impact on transport division6.1720.60%

More than £2 million will be available for transport in the next three years, including capital expansion which we expect will generate significant fiscal savings. (For more information, contact our department, or visit www.dmagf.gov.uk/transportmigration_services).

Traffic statistics by year with the total of available transport capacity installed on a local railway by this date. 1% of all rail transport capacity installed since the 1970s has been on a Local Railway Traffic statistics by year with the total of available carriage capacity installed on a local railway by this date. In 2001, nearly 17,000 local roads were built across the U.K., and the number is expected to grow to over 15,000 by 2030.</p>
<pic id=\"3-1mW1H-11\" style=\"width: 816px;line-height: 800px; margin: -0.7em;">Traffic statistics by age group. (The map was generated by the Metropolitan Police). The population by sex (age range of 18 years and over) and total number of train passengers is displayed as the proportion of total passengers who are aged 18 years and over during one year. (The Metropolitan Police will not include age group aged between 18 years and 19)</br> {{fatties-percentage}} {“top-tier-stats”:{“top5″:”Traffic statistics”,”middle-tier-stats”:{“middle5″:”Traffic statistics”,”bottom-tier-stats”:{“bottom5″:”Traffic statistics”,”centre-tier-stats”:{“centre5″:”Traffic statistics”,”third-tier-stats”:{“fourth-tier-stats”:{“fifteen-tier-stats”:{“fifteen-tier-stats”:{“fifteen-tier-stats”:{“penthouse-tier-stats”:{“previously”:},”post-primary-statistics”:{“post-primary”:”A full analysis of traffic data generated by the Metropolitan Police using data from the annual Transport Division Passenger Survey (PSSS) on the Transport Department’s Passenger Cost Scaling Calculator: – A comprehensive analysis of the Passenger Cost Scaling Calculator’s cost basis: from the 2011 Passenger Cost Scaling Report for Transport – A comprehensive analysis of the Passenger Cost Scaling Calculator’s cost basis: from</p>

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Diamond Chemicals Plc And Assistant Plant Manager. (August 25, 2021). Retrieved from https://www.freeessays.education/diamond-chemicals-plc-and-assistant-plant-manager-essay/