Globalizaiton Case
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“It has been said that arguing against globalization is like arguing against the laws of gravity.” (Corssette, 2000) Spoken by Mr. Kofi Annan, the 7th secretary-general of the United Nations, those words could not ring more true than today. As globalization has rapidly changed the world in which we live for the past twenty years, the globalization has become an unavoidable trend in every country no matter in business or our daily lives. In any case, globalization has truly transformed the world markets into a single market with free transfer of capital, goods and service across national frontiers. Therefore, it is necessary to survey the globalization from different perspectives such as its drivers and the consequent impacts on different groups. In addition, how individuals can adapt to and survive on the globalization environment is also an important topic to review the changing world.

The world has changed in many ways and every change has its own significant influence on the evolution of globalization. According to Thomas Friedmans theory in 2005, there are ten flattening forces that led to globalization: collapse of the Berlin Wall, Netscape, Work Flow software, Uploading, Outsourcing, Offshoring, Supply-Chaining, Insourcing, In-Forming, and “The Steroid”. These theories can be true if we inspect the development of the globalization from historical and economic points of view. And in the first force, the fall of the Berlin Wall on behave of the collapse of Communism, and the Capitalism then certainly takes the advantages of the opportunity to change the market into a free trading system. As a result, this is more than a historical turning point that shows the beginning of globalization. As to the other nine forces, it is sure that they all have been chosen carefully by important economic incidents and technological inventions. But, except the positive impacts that we have experienced, some of the forces have also brought us a number of negative influences. Therefore, it is necessary to talk about the alternatives on both sides of globalization in every aspect. And the following paragraphs will discuss different pros and cons of the impacts on globalization in different groups and perspectives.

First of all, the impacts of globalization on companies and organizations seem to be an irresistible power of doing business. Many profit-seeking companies or organizations today are outsourcing, offshoring, or even insourcing to reduce costs and maximize the profits. And it looks normal when the business is trying to expand to get marginal utility. Anyway, by through the economic globalization, capital, technology, products, markets, resources, and labors can be allocated effectively. In addition, economic globalization also provides opportunities for developing countries to meet new challenges. As to the social populace, it provides more selection of goods and better services that people can choose from. Therefore, globalization seems no risk at all to companies. However, the economic globalization has exacerbated the imbalance of the world economy; and the poverty gap is getting worse and worse. Besides, it has enhanced the instability of world economic such as inflation or financial crisis in some countries. And our natural environment has also suffered from the over exploitation. Therefore, in the process of the globalization, companies and organizations should consider more about the consquences before taking actions around the world.

Second, the globalization also has different impacts on different groups of people. For example, there are always issues between employees and employers. The employers are always eager for cheap labors, and the phenomena of globalization have truly made their dreams come true. As to the employers, no matter in which fields or levels, they are facing unprecedented challenges from different countries. Personal competitive advantages are no longer the priority condition that the employers would think about because people with the same conditions may be hired with lower payment around the world. So, it is very pathetic that globalization has done to our basic right of working power. However, from another angle; it seems a positive strength for every person to move forward to a higher level in order to keep the competitive advantages. As to the customers, the benefits through the global competitions are like inexpensive goods and quality services. And more and more products with different brands also give customers more choices to find the one they want most. So, the competitions on the globalization are always good for customers seem so true everywhere.


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Different Perspectives And Thomas Friedmans Theory. (July 6, 2021). Retrieved from