Mis as a Good System
Q1. What are the challenges facing L´Oreal Management?
L’Oreal is a large-sized and international enterprise with many branches all over the world, making it difficult to communicate immediately with other employees around the world as well as share information. It is important to have a good mutual communication between each department. In order to overcome the obstacles of being in different places, they need a secure and instant knowledge management system such as M@sternet. They need to share information quickly to take advantage of the market trends and the implementation of strategies. So, the challenges that L’Oreal may face are the following:

To create a global knowledge management and collaboration platform.
To reduce cost of internet implementation.
To provide international platform for e-business that can be used to quickly create websites, publishing sites, custom e-commerce sites.
To share information and collaborate to make a common strategy across the group.
To create a fluent communication among all divisions that permit to improve the performance of a group.
To work with all units available to improve decisions.
Q2. Make a list of all the functionalities of M@sternet described in the video. What kind of a knowledge management system is M@sternet?
This system presents some functions, but we can identify the following functionalities:
A place where people share information.
A place where people realize discussions.
A place where people work jointly with the information gave by system.
This tools help to be more efficient, thanks to all information shared around all divisions. Also, managers can manage the knowledge behavior. Moreover, this system uses “tacit knowledge”, because it ensures task effectiveness in an organization. Similarly, this knowledge is transferred through shared experience, apprenticeship and job training. Also, it is cultivated in an organizational culture that motivates through share vision and common purpose. Finally, it provides a kind of creative vitality such as intuition and spontaneous insight. It is a powerful information system with various functions such as search engine and discussion forums which allows people

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Different Places And Share Information. (July 5, 2021). Retrieved from https://www.freeessays.education/different-places-and-share-information-essay/