Oedipus Rex Translations
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“A word is not a crystal, transparent and unchanged, it is the skin of a living thought and may vary greatly in the color and content according to the circumstances and the time which it is used”(Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, 1918). In the two different versions of Oedipus Rex, the first version translated by Fitts and Fitzgerald, and the second translated by Luci Berowitz and Theodore Brunner, the emotional appeal is quite different due to the different diction of each of the translation versions. The different diction in the two versions seems to give Oedipus two different characters. The diction that the four authors use in their translations of Oedipus Rex is very effective in conveying different emotional feelings about Oedipus and his thoughts about people and situation of Thebes.

The main contrast between the two translations is the fact that Oedipus in the Berowitz/Brunner translation seems to be more critical about giving his fellow citizens more respect than in the Fitts/Fitzgerald version. Oedipus questions the people “why do you sit as supplicants crowned with laurel branches”(Berowitz/Brunner)? Oedipus uses the word Ðcrowned, which has a connotation of loyalty. He makes his citizens feel important through one word. His attitude seems caring, and less harsh than the other version, in which Oedipus questions, “why have you strewnÐbefore these alters in supplication, with boughs and garlands”(Fitts/Fitzgerald)? In this version, he makes the Theban citizens look as if they have dragged themselves to his palace with garlands to embrace him with. Oedipuss self-centered nature is portrayed well through the diction of Fitts/Fitzgerald. Further, when Oedipus asks for reason in their coming, both translations provide a unique way of questioning.

When Oedipus questions the Thebans why they have come to the altar steps in the Berowitz/Brunner translation, he seems to want to know everything about the crisis of Thebes. His rapid questioning includes “what is the meaning of the incense which fills the city? The pleas to end pain? The cries of sorrow”(Berowitz/Brunner)? He portrays himself as a caring man who does not want to neglect his citizens in any way. He wants to be one of them. Even though the questioning makes Oedipus seem ignorant of the situation of Thebes, at least he can notice that these people are in despair. In the other translation, Oedipus does not question, but casually notices that “the breath of incense rises from the city/ with a sound of prayer and lamentation”(Fitts/Fitzgerald). He has suspected what Thebes is going through, yet he does not question immediately. Maybe he does not think that the situation in Thebes is that important or he is extremely ignorant; he seems careless of the Theban citizens.

Oedipus gives himself Ðbig names, which make his personality seem egoistic. For example, in the Fitts/Fitzgerald translation, when Oedipus comes down to the alter steps, in his mind he wants to have a superior standing as he states, “I, Oedipus who bear the famous name.” Oedipus is portrayed as a man who knows that he is important. Even in the Berkowitz/Brunner translation Oedipus gives himself credit, but not as severely. He calmly states, “I cameÐOedipus, whose name is known to all.” Oedipus sees himself known in the public, but not in an self-aggrandizing manner; he does not think that he is famous, superior, etc.. He seems more humble and wants people to think of him the way that they choose to. Furthermore, Oedipus is not praising himself with great haughtiness, but instead enough to achieve the Thebans trust.

Oedipus seems

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Different Versions Of Oedipus Rex And Translations Of Oedipus Rex. (July 1, 2021). Retrieved from https://www.freeessays.education/different-versions-of-oedipus-rex-and-translations-of-oedipus-rex-essay/