Progressive Multifocal LeukoencephalopathyEssay Preview: Progressive Multifocal LeukoencephalopathyReport this essayIntroductionCharacteristics of Disease:Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy is a rare and usually fatal disease that infects and kills oligodendrocytes in the white matter of the brain. Oligodendrocytes are a part of the central nervous system and are responsible for manufacturing the myelin that encloses and insulates some of the never cells. (micro text book p 697) Since PML affects the nerves that send/receive information from various body parts and organs the symptoms vary. According to right some of these symptoms include:

Mental deteriorationVision lossSpeech disturbancesAtaxiaParalysisSeizuresMuscle weaknessHemiparesisFacial weaknessDyshasisMemory failureCognition failureMost people are exposed to the JC polyoma virus by the age of 15, but most healthy individuals build up immunity to the virus. (Bauman et al. 696) When the immune system becomes compromised then the virus can attack the body. The disease is usually seen in patients who are receiving chronic corticosteroid or immunosuppressive therapy such as organ transplants, cancer, and AIDS patients. The JVC virus is thought to be reactivated in those individuals who have autoimmune disorders such as systemic lupus erythematosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and multiple sclerosis and are also undergoing biological treatment. PML is commonly seen in HIV-1/AIDS patients. (NINDS Progressive Multifoca )

HistoryPML was an infrequent disease until the AIDS pandemic in 1981. It was first discovered in 1958, and until 1984 only about 230 cases had been identified. A majority, 95%, of these cases had a condition which predisposed them to PML. About 5 cases were reported as being associated with AIDS. People with lymphoproliferative (a B-cell disorder) disorders made up the majority, 66%, of the reported cases. In the late 1980s the number of PML cases increased significantly. Before the antiretroviral therapies were given to HIV patients, PML was only seen in 5% of the cases. After the introduction of the therapy the amount of PML cases increased 4-fold between 1979-1989. It was found that 87% of the PML cases in 1993, in the US, had the underlying disease AIDS. (Berger)

Current StatusThere are diagnostics tests that can be performed to a confirm Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy diagnosis. Multiple diffuse asymmetrical lesions can usually be seen in the subcortical hemispheric white matter and cerebellar peduncles by an MRI. Other signs that may show on an MRI are lesions in the grey matter, reactive gliosis and large, multinucleated astrocytes in the affected area. (Gudesblatt) Image 1 shows a MRI scan with lesions in the periventricular and subcortical white matter. Image 2 is from a brain biopsy sample with enlarged, bizarre eosinphilic astrocytes were abundant. (Cole et. al.)

Figure 1“MRI findings are well-demarcated, asymmetric lesions in periventricular and subcortical white matter. The lesions are characteristically hyperintense on FLAIR/T2-weighted images, hypointense on T1-weighted images, and non-enhancing with gadolinium and do not create mass effect.4 JCV DNA can often be isolated from CSF by PCR.” (Cole et. al.)

Figure 2.”Brain biopsy sample showing central oligodendrocyte with viral inclusion bodies giving a smudged appearance to nucleus. At other foci, enlarged, bizarre eosinophilic astrocytes were abundant. Confirmation of JC virus infection involved additional immunohistochemical analysis (hematoxylin and eosin stain, original magnification ×1000).” (Cole et. al.)

A spinal tap maybe performed to test the spinal fluid to test for the existence of JCV DNA and can be used to confirm diagnosis of the disease. Blood and urine test may also be performed for detection of JCV; however, the existence of PML is minor even with serial measures. Blood tests have shown to be only fifty percent effective in the diagnosis of PML in AIDS patients. Polyconal antibody test, Enzyme linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) have been used for diagnosis of PML, but due to some patients having low or undetectable JVC in the CSF, they have not always been effective diagnostics tools. A MRI along with symptoms have proven to be the best tool for diagnosing the disease .A brain biopsy may also be performed, but due to the risks involved, are rare or performed during an autopsy after a patient has died. (Gudesblatt,)


A spinal tap maybe performed to test for the existence of JVC and can be used to confirm diagnosis of the disease. Blood and urine test may also be performed for detection of JCV; however, the existence of PML is minor even with serial measures. Blood tests have shown to be only fifty percent effective in the diagnosis of PML in AIDS patients. Polyconal antibody test, Enzyme linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) have been used for diagnosis of PML, but due to some patients having low or undetectable JVC in the CSF, they have not always been effective diagnostics tools. A MRI along with symptoms have proven to be the best tool for diagnosing the disease .A brain biopsy may also be performed, but due to the risks involved, are rare or performed during an autopsy after a patient has died. (Gudesblatt,)


A neurorehabilitation therapy is to be sought at this time. A spinal tap may be the most common therapy sought by some AIDS patients. This is often used and very inexpensive and a procedure that can be very beneficial. A total of 50 patients have been treated with this and one has ended up with this treatment successfully. There is a vast need for spinal implants in the United States and in some countries in Europe and Japan. It is necessary to pay close attention to the specific areas of pain for which it is useful for.

Some patients are able to have it performed safely. In the case of PML the majority of these patients have had a successful brain biopsy. I have heard that some patients are able to have it performed safe by taking a spinal implant that has a large enough needle to test them on, where it is able to show a very low grade of jalapulconal. In the case of PML, the needle is a very important part of the procedure, not being the last piece. Another benefit of the epidural injection or MRM is that it can be done in only 2 to 4 hours (depending on how much it takes). You are probably thinking of taking all the required medications to be able to be able to do the procedure after you have performed it. (Yoshi). Also, if you have any questions about a procedure in the future, do not hesitate to send an e-mail or give some time to me. I will be in touch with you immediately.

The information presented in this blog will not be a general guide for anyone, simply advice. Please let me know that I have your comments as part of your discussions. I only send the information I collect in order to be used. I have a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia 2,days late for fibromyalgia.

Please note, we have a large amount of research and need to have a single person as this is a small field and, therefore, we only have one person for this effort. If you or someone you know had an event that involved JVC or any of JVC’s protein types, please call the lab within 2 hours to submit a request to have a new person taken in and treated. The doctor will work with the patient to ensure that a possible outcome of this would be successful.

    This is a very simple and accurate screening tool, but it has its quirks, and the potential for misuse makes it really uncomfortable for most people in this field.

    This tool will ensure that all types of JVC that are detected in the blood and urine test positive for javase or other protein types will not transmit that same protein type to others, and may even have negative consequences for the ability to function. This will help any health care provider or patient who requests it and can avoid the possibility of misclassification.

    In the event such a screening is required, the lab will make it very clear if a patient has the same type of protein type of JVC found in blood or urine, or other proteins in JVC that are present in other proteins in the blood and urine, and if any. These specific proteins will be confirmed to be the same proteins found in blood or urine, in the same strain of blood that JVC is found in. Therefore, if a patient can’t show their protein type, the lab will provide specific instructions on how to identify this particular type of protein. This will result in greater success for treating patients and doctors alike.

    It is important to acknowledge that our new technology, and current research is working, and that it does not include vaccines and treatments which are not working as far as we are concerned. The testing methods used in this technology are in poor state of function and do not result in results such as you will find with this new technology.

    We take care of this as quickly as possible, while keeping our resources a little more accessible as a matter of urgency.

    A spinal tap might just be an opportunity for the first of the two new technologies, for the first time, to test for antibodies to JVC in all organisms. Using a “glial cell” assay that is designed to measure one protein in 1/4th to a thousandth of a milliliter, these cells test for pro-JVC antibodies and even JVC RNA. Such a wide ranging test provides further information to patients and doctors about the potential use of this new technology.

    Please note, we have a large amount of research and need to have a single person as this is a small field and, therefore, we only have one person for this effort. If you or someone you know had an event that involved JVC or any of JVC’s protein types, please call the lab within 2 hours to submit a request to have a new person taken in and treated. The doctor will work with the patient to ensure that a possible outcome of this would be successful.

    This is a very simple and accurate screening tool, but it has its quirks, and the potential for misuse makes it really uncomfortable for most people in this field.

    This tool will ensure that all types of JVC that are detected in the blood and urine test positive for javase or other protein types will not transmit that same protein type to others, and may even have negative consequences for the ability to function. This will help any health care provider or patient who requests it and can avoid the possibility of misclassification.

    In the event such a screening is required, the lab will make it very clear if a patient has the same type of protein type of JVC found in blood or urine, or other proteins in JVC that are present in other proteins in the blood and urine, and if any. These specific proteins will be confirmed to be the same proteins found in blood or urine, in the same strain of blood that JVC is found in. Therefore, if a patient can’t show their protein type, the lab will provide specific instructions on how to identify this particular type of protein. This will result in greater success for treating patients and doctors alike.

    It is important to acknowledge that our new technology, and current research is working, and that it does not include vaccines and treatments which are not working as far as we are concerned. The testing methods used in this technology are in poor state of function and do not result in results such as you will find with this new technology.

    We take care of this as quickly as possible, while keeping our resources a little more accessible as a matter of urgency.

    A spinal tap might just be an opportunity for the first of the two new technologies, for the first time, to test for antibodies to JVC in all organisms. Using a “glial cell” assay that is designed to measure one protein in 1/4th to a thousandth of a milliliter, these cells test for pro-JVC antibodies and even JVC RNA. Such a wide ranging test provides further information to patients and doctors about the potential use of this new technology.

    Please note, we have a large amount of research and need to have a single person as this is a small field and, therefore, we only have one person for this effort. If you or someone you know had an event that involved JVC or any of JVC’s protein types, please call the lab within 2 hours to submit a request to have a new person taken in and treated. The doctor will work with the patient to ensure that a possible outcome of this would be successful.

    This is a very simple and accurate screening tool, but it has its quirks, and the potential for misuse makes it really uncomfortable for most people in this field.

    This tool will ensure that all types of JVC that are detected in the blood and urine test positive for javase or other protein types will not transmit that same protein type to others, and may even have negative consequences for the ability to function. This will help any health care provider or patient who requests it and can avoid the possibility of misclassification.

    In the event such a screening is required, the lab will make it very clear if a patient has the same type of protein type of JVC found in blood or urine, or other proteins in JVC that are present in other proteins in the blood and urine, and if any. These specific proteins will be confirmed to be the same proteins found in blood or urine, in the same strain of blood that JVC is found in. Therefore, if a patient can’t show their protein type, the lab will provide specific instructions on how to identify this particular type of protein. This will result in greater success for treating patients and doctors alike.

    It is important to acknowledge that our new technology, and current research is working, and that it does not include vaccines and treatments which are not working as far as we are concerned. The testing methods used in this technology are in poor state of function and do not result in results such as you will find with this new technology.

    We take care of this as quickly as possible, while keeping our resources a little more accessible as a matter of urgency.

    To date the only effective treatments are dangerous and would be highly toxic, although it has been found that discontinuing certain monoclonal antibody therapies can slow the progression of the disease. It has also been shown that removal of the therapeutic agents, those that put patients at risk can be beneficial to those patients

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