Acc 251 – Discussion of the Ethical Issues – Essay – Yeison Reyes
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Acc 251 – Discussion of the Ethical Issues
To: Professor Dena Breece                                                        Methodist universityFrom: Yeison Reyes Santos Date: September 28, 2016Re: Ethical Issues The case study heightens a discussion of the ethical issues. Vanessa Jones, IBT Company assistant chief accountant is late in the preparation of the quarter one trial balance which should be released to the management and regulatory agencies.  After discovering the trial balance credit balance exceeds the debit balance, she decides to force the debits and credits to balance off.

Shareholders of the company require that the corporation present the financial report that accurately reflects the position of the enterprise. The perspective will enable them to get fair returns from the company earnings. Also Potential investors need the financial reports to be accurate because the reports are used in making an informed decision on investing in the enterprise. Furthermore, the government requires the enterprise to present reports that are accurate and fair for purposes of taxation and compliance with the laws. In addition, the creditability of the business is at stake once it is discovered that the financials have been manipulated. The image of the company and employees may end up losing their jobs due to low business or closure.

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(2018, 01). Acc 251 – Discussion of the Ethical Issues. Retrieved 01, 2018, from
“Acc 251 – Discussion of the Ethical Issues” 01 2018. 2018. 01 2018 < "Acc 251 - Discussion of the Ethical Issues.", 01 2018. Web. 01 2018. < "Acc 251 - Discussion of the Ethical Issues." 01, 2018. Accessed 01, 2018. Essay Preview By: Yeison Reyes Submitted: January 22, 2018 Essay Length: 384 Words / 2 Pages Paper type: Essay Views: 599 Report this essay Tweet Related Essays Ethical Issues in Film Racial profiling is a term society has become familiar with in the past few years; however, it is not a new phenomenon. Racial profiling according 1,500 Words  |  6 Pages Ethical Issues of Thank You for Smoking In the movie "Thank You for Smoking" the smoking industry is coming under the attack from Senator Finistirre over putting a skull and crossbones on 718 Words  |  3 Pages Ethical Issues in Counseling Introduction I remembered that several years ago I have read the news on newspaper about a father who raped her daughter then her daughter become 1,160 Words  |  5 Pages Legal, Regulatory, and Ethical Issues 1. What are the 5 hottest topics today involving legal, regulatory and ethical issues impacting on operating a B2C ebusiness? ECommerce has revolutionized the business 2,547 Words  |  11 Pages Similar Topics Addressing International Legal Ethical Issues Ethical Regulatory Issues Get Access to 89,000+ Essays and Term Papers Join 209,000+ Other Students High Quality Essays and Documents Sign up © 2008–2020 EssaysForStudent.comFree Essays, Book Reports, Term Papers and Research Papers Essays Sign up Sign in Contact us Site Map Privacy Policy Terms of Service Facebook Twitter

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Discussion Of The Ethical Issues And Ibt Company Assistant Chief Accountant. (June 9, 2021). Retrieved from