Lower the Drinking Age – Research Paper – zaidie
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Lower the Drinking Age
Many think that alcohol is not as harmful as any other drug just because it’s a legal substance. That’s where Americans including adolescents go wrong. Anything abused legal or not can become harmful depending on the usage of it. We all see this on daily bases in the news, people getting arrested, killing other people in car accidents driving under the influence, receiving DWI’s and ruining their not only their own lives but others as well through the usage of this substance. If the legal age to consume alcohol is 21 now and we have all these accidents occurring, what makes us think that if we were to decrease the legal drinking age to under 21 the situation would not get worse? I think this would be an irrational mistake in the law justice system.         According to a blogger in Cognac web report, He points out a question to why is it that at the age of 18 years old young adults can make the decision to join the military or have the ability to vote, but be denied the option to pick up a drink or not? The reason to why this is to be true is because at the age of 18 you’re considered an adult, you would be charged as an adult in committing a crime but that doesn’t mean that you’re mature enough to be a responsible drinker at the age of 18. In fact you’re given those privileges to take part in your country to make this a better place not be given the opportunity to ruin your life at 18 for being an irresponsible drinker. To which the bloggers point of view may seem reasonable,  that “your age does not determine your maturity,” according to Robert Plotkin publisher of The beverage operators survival guide being under the influence can poses someone to lose their state of mind in a glimpse of a couple of drinks and act without thinking. What would this world be if we have people abusing the substance such as; armed robberies, sexual harassment and other horrific crimes at the moment with the drinking age limited to 21 why possibly increase any other issues in result have others start picking up such a bad habit at such a young age? Till this day drunk driving continues to be a major public safety issue to all of us why risk it any further? We are experiencing enough chaos with all of the current regulations we have at the moment dealing with other important issues like, politics and here we are trying to change a law without having a reasonable stand point on why it should be adjusted.
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(2016, 04). Lower the Drinking Age. EssaysForStudent.com. Retrieved 04, 2016, from
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"Lower the Drinking Age." EssaysForStudent.com. 04, 2016. Accessed 04, 2016.
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By: zaidie
Submitted: April 19, 2016
Essay Length: 672 Words / 3 Pages
Paper type: Research Paper Views: 409
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