Smart Alerts
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Alerting is NOT working:Options – do something OR do nothingAlternates for do somethingFor subscribers – only notifications on changes; other interactions – systems logs in and can be checkedSmart alerts (content based changes)Smart alerts (content based changes with incentive based alerts) – effectively same as smart alerts above but we recharge mobile based on some criteria (one person per project per month)Smart alertsCore concept – for assignees Everyone has an A grade; goal is to keep it, upgrade to A* or downgrade based on OREveryone earns points for actions done or not doneWeight for issue [NOTE:  issue is proxy for agenda item, document, task, BOQ line item, material, labor skill]Priority of issue, document, task, BOQ line item, material, labor skill [Priority – High – 5; Medium – 3; Low – 1]; [Issue – 3; Document – 5; Task/Activity – 7; BOQ item – 10]Importance of issue – on critical path (high), float is Delta (x% of project duration) (medium), rest of them (low) [High – 10; Medium – 5; Low – 2]Attached to schedule (yes) or not (no) [Yes – 100; No – 1]Weight of issue: [Priority * Activity * Importance * Schedule Attached]Weight for assigneeGrade status (effectively proxy for reliability)# of reminders before issue is closed [1st reminder – 1; 2nd reminder – 1/2; 3rd reminder – 1/3]# of due date changes [<2 repetitions – 1; <5 repetitions – 1/2; >5 repetitions – 1/3]# of years as nPulse user [<5 yrs – 1; <10 yrs – 1/2; >10 yrs – 1/3]# of reminders open/read [>80% – 1; 20% – 80% – 1/2; <20% - 1/3]#/frequency of login [>3times a week – 1; >3 times a month – 1/2; <3 times a month – 1/3]Frequency of alerting{dueDate – today} / 3; rounded up [daily, 3 days, weekly, 15 days, monthly, quarterly]1 reminder 3 days before due date if NOT a duplicate of above1 reminder on due date1 reminder 3 days after due date30 days after due date – auto close with notification1 SMS reminder 1 day before due date and on auto closePoint calculationsBase value: projectValue / # of days of projectBaseValue*frequency*WeightForAssignee*WeightForIssueBonus depending on # of alerts responded to – [>80% – 50% bonus; 40 – 80% – 25% bonus; <40% - no bonus]Message variations (few suggestions):Hi there,You have __ items pending. Atleast __ of them are crucial. Closing those atleast those will each of your __ points. Completing all ___ will give including bonus points a total of ___ points.Sincerely,Hi there,It is great to re-connect. Since the last reminder, you have closed __ issues. You earned ___ points. Unfortunately, a couple of are slipping; __ to be precise are delayed and __ are close. Getting these done today will earn you ___ points. There are a total of __ issues and closing all will give ___ points with __% bonus.Sincerely,Hi there,Looks like you are too busy to close issues. Tell you what. Anyways, it looks like ___ of the issues are more than 30 days old. Let us close them for you. If you feel they should remain open, let us know within a day. Of the remaining __ issues, only ___ are critical and closing them will save potentially __ days. It will be a great help if these can be closed. Sincerely,UI changes:Show auto closed issuesShow logs of all notifications sent – sortable, filterable, searchable by issue, agency, person, task, Show consolidated project status irrespective of moduleShow consolidated to-do by agency irrespective of module

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Due Date Changes And Checkedsmart Alerts. (July 1, 2021). Retrieved from