Should Employees Wear Dress Codes?
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Should Employees wear Dress Codes?Why are some employees required to have a dress code? Employees that have a dress code represent the profession they’re working for. Having a dress code helps your employees look professional, confidence, and pride in their employment. Dress codes help customers recognize employees when they need help. Having a dress code is better looking on your employees. Businesses wouldnt want their employees walking around in with ripped jeans or sweats on. When people walk in a store, first thing they see are the employees. People observe what they are wearing, what they are doing if they are actually working or just sitting around. People would not be happy if they saw the employees with ripped jeans and baggy clothes. But if your employee were wearing a uniform with your business name they would think that this is a nice store with hard working employees and recommend this store.
People come to a store all the time seeking for help and since they could not find an employee, so they leave and never buy anything. If employees have a dress code they no longer need to worry about that! Employees that wear the same uniform stick out like a sore thumb, people can find them in seconds. That gives you more customers buying things that employees have helped them find it.Employees normally do not like dress codes. They dont like to match other employers or in the same clothing every day they work. It gets old and sometimes you run out of your uniform because you didnt wash any! Uniforms may be uncomfortable to people, they may look to boyish or too formal for that. Although, they may look weird and uncomfortable, they would look professional and every employee would be representing the business they work at. For instance Target has every employer wearing red! If you needed their assistance all you have to do is look for a person with a red shirt on and khakis. It makes it a lot easier and helpful for customers in need for help.