Constantine – Main Cause of Christianity Spreading Roman Empire LaSalle Catholic CollegeConstantine the GreatFirst Christian EmperorMichele PesceAncient HistoryMiss Chmiel13/08/2015ContentEsaay………………………………………………………………………………Pages 3-5Bibliography…………………………………………………………………………. Why did Constantine choose to make Christianity the sole religion of the Roman Empire? As stated previously, it is believed Constantine’s mother, Helena, raised Constantine in the Christian faith, this had a major effect on.
Essay On Constantine
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Pages • 2
Constantine the Great Constantine the Great was known to be brave and active, and he ruled the Roman Empire with fairness. He as well followed the Constantinian Dynasty like his father. He ruled the Roman Empire for thirty years, which is the longest period since Augustus, who was also a Roman emperor. Sources say that.
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