Behanya of Tokyo Benihana of Tokyo Summary Benihana is the Japanese restaurant chain that initially opened in 1935. After getting a success in Japan, Benihana of Tokyo made entry to the US restaurant sector in 1964, located their restaurants in high traffic places and targeted business person, white collar and tourists as customers. What Americans’.
Essay On Hibachi Table Arrangement
What Is the Benihana Concept? What is the Benihana concept? Benihana’s restaurants are Japanese style hibachi steakhouses. There are many things that distinguish Benihana from other restaurants. First, the company maintains their Japanese authenticity by bringing all the building material for its restaurants from Japan. Second, it hires only Japanese staff that is highly trained..
Benihana Benihana Background: Chain of 15 restaurants that grossed over $12 million per year Started by Hiroaki (Rocky) Aoki, President of Benihana of Tokyo Philosophy of the restaurant business is: Simply to make people happy Why is Benihana successful: Historical Authenticity: Availability and Cost of Labor in USA Hibachi table arrangement: Eliminate need for a.