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Bureaucracy Bureaucracy etytyartyhthfgthfthee rkejrnhwehrjastkwnt rjtglhrtglhrtjlgnnltwnetkln ;rtkae;lkjtrmlekatm/amgt rkntalkerntae5jtykernygakdrlngh kwntrlnwertkjmrklgfnmhmtr;yhkjyo rgtjyae;trkjyo;dkhyfmhl;fmlh tejrtpoerktgl;drmgekyotjy;tlkhm owTKAOKJTPYOIAKTE;Lokaerotkjoapjylrtyjroy eoryjaeyjeiljtyprtjykfmglakj5t#perj Bureaucracy is a way of organising work in which people are treated as interchangeable and replaceable cogs to fill specialised roles. Two key features of bureaucracy are hierarchy and a specialised division of labour. Other characteristics of an ideal bureaucracy are rules which.