Unknown Lab Report for Microbiology Essay Preview: Unknown Lab Report for Microbiology Report this essay There are many reasons for identifying an unknown bacterium. The reasons range from medical purposes, such as determining if the unknown could cause ailments in living things or knowing what microorganisms are needed to make antibiotics to other purposes such.
Essay On Unknown Lab Report
Microbiology Unknown Essay Preview: Microbiology Unknown Report this essay UNKNOWN LAB REPORT UNKNOWN NUMBER 54 Ron Williams 7-28-05 Bio 205 Prof. Curlee Fall 2005 Purpose There are many reasons for knowing the identity of microorganisms. The reasons range from the knowing the causative agent of a disease in a patient, so as to know how.
Unknown Lab Report Grading Guidelines Unknown Lab Report Grading Guidelines Cover Page (5 points) ____Your name and lab section (2 pts) ____Unknown # and genus and species of unknown correctly spelled and italicized (3 pts) Gram Stain (20 points) ____Correctly stained smear with individual organisms demonstrated using 100x objective (5 pts) ____Description of what you.
Unknown Lab Report for Microbiology Join now to read essay Unknown Lab Report for Microbiology There are many reasons for identifying an unknown bacterium. The reasons range from medical purposes, such as determining if the unknown could cause ailments in living things or knowing what microorganisms are needed to make antibiotics to other purposes such.