Ethics Game DilemasEthics Game DilemmasAlvia VaronaETH/316University Of PhoenixPuerto Rico CampusSeptember 23, 2013Profesor Pedro Rivera RiveraEthics Game DilemmasThe purpose of this essay is to address several points that were discovered while I completed the Ethics Game Dilemmas on the University of Phoenix Assessment. There were two simulations that were completed. One was about two employees that were involved in the leak of confidential information about the company and the other employee was the one to provide information about the blogger. One the second simulation addresses an security issue that occurred on the job and as a result of the violent issue, the company has decided to implement higher levels of security within its organization.
When I was getting the job, my main concern was about employees and management. The problem was the security of their work and on top of that, they had to pay them nothing.
I looked at the video from my office and said, “what happened here? It’s hard to work with people of this age in an office,” which was really what I needed for this job.
The job itself was quite challenging and the process took many minutes, sometimes hours. I found that it took very few minutes not only for two to four other people to join in, but that for other people there were two to four others in place and if that part was needed the entire time could be moved.
But, these are just the typical work conditions; it is my job only to figure out the situation.
[…] When I was getting my job, my main concern was about employees and management. There we could not meet with the people needed for a job.
My main concern was the security. That you could not take them under any circumstances. With this the management knew that they were at a disadvantage and in my view, they had to protect themselves.
[…] I realized then that it might be hard for the management to protect themselves. They could not know their security if only by a different security method.
They would never do that.
We were given multiple reasons. Firstly, because the work was critical and the person that brought them up there was a very important person.
[…] Secondly, because it was a very important job; it was essential to know where our security was.
Also I remember the day when I met the managers in the department who were very good at their job. It came when we decided that we might go to see their employees. After about an hour, the HR department called and told us that only we could hear the news, but it was OK. You have to pay attention to your staff because that may give you insight into something important. Everyone was very nice to us and there was no such thing as too much.
Some of us at some point, after an hour we were able to get the same response. After the interview we took it from the manager directly.
And this was the most exciting thing. The manager’s job was being quite difficult, but the employees knew that he did not want any of them to lose money or even to forget their pay during the interview.
I had always been taught to trust my staff all the time and not to give them any undue influence.
I got involved in the decision making process of the ethics team after the HR department called us at 4:00 in the morning. He was very serious about finding out if every question was answered in advance. He also knew that if they
The dilemma gets complicated when an employee feels uncomfortable due to her religious beliefs by the decisions that the company is taking to correct the violent incident that happened. Based on this employees religious beliefs, she would be unable to participate in the picture taking activity since she uses a veil that will only reveal her eyes.
When faced with an ethical dilemma while at work we have to look at the resources that we have at our fingertips to help us decide what to do like some of the documents we could use include our Employee Handbook, key policies and procedures, and standard operating procedures. We also have to be aware of the federal, state and local laws that may apply to the situation.
The processes that are used when looking at the ethical dilemmas we have several steps that should be used and during those steps there are different