Certificate of OriginalityEssay Preview: Certificate of OriginalityReport this essayThe purpose of this essay is to look at a local story about something going on in my area, and tell several facts about the article. I will look at whether or not the story was accurate, clear, sufficient, and whether or not it contained depth or breadth. I will see whether or not some of the facts were reported and other facts were ignored, and if the story considered alternative perspectives and world views. If there were any questionable assumptions within the story, or if any of the implications were ignored or others emphasized.(incomplete sentence) I will also talk about why it is important to make distinctions when doing a critical evaluation.

In my opinion, the reporting of the news in this article was not clear or accurate, and it was insufficient as far as depth and breadth. It didnt give two sides of the story because ex-sheriff John L. Turner pled guilty, but stated he was innocent so why did he plead guilty in the first place? There was no statement from him in the article whatsoever giving his side of the story. Some of the facts were obviously reported while others were left out. A questionable assumption Supt. Arch Turner and his attorney would like for you to believe would be that Sheriff Turnerhe wasnt the one behind all of it. According to everyone who has already taken the plea bargains so far, nine of the ten who have pled guilty and all are behind bars including Supt. Turner. This is because his bond was revoked, since one of his restrictions was he was to have no contact with John L. Turner and tried to contact him while out on bond and was arrested. Sheriff TurnersHis bond was revoked & now he will spend the rest of his time in jail until he goes to trial.

In conclusion, I feel like this article left a lot of questions unanswered. It didnt give any of the defendants sides of the stories ~ only the FBIs side of things. They never once considered the influence money has on poor people of Eastern Kentucky which is extremelyreally, really sad.

I know a few of these people that went to prison, and I know what kind of homes they came from. and I also know what kind of person Arch Turner is and how he has manipulated his political pull and used money to get what he wanted for years. I guess Yyou could say I had the inside scoop on this, and so I know for a fact there were a couple of people used in this sting operation to set him up that should have been set free andwhich were notnt. Yes, they did wrong, and Im a firm believer in the law. I and if you commitdo the crime, you should do the time. I just feel like where there ares children kids involved, sometimes parents will go to extremes when they are unemployed, uneducated, and have hungry mouths to feed at home. When these parents need to put food on the table, and if the right amount of money is waved in front of them,they will commit a crim. This is over and over and its



Lancaster, PA 61209 pablo Member Re

I’m sure you heard the headline,

“The ‘Operation Fast and Furious’ is going nowhere.”

It said

It’s also “The biggest mistake” about “Operation Fast and Furious” is that it did not actually target all criminals. This operation was aimed specifically at the wrong people and had a good chance of working.


Turtle Creek, AZ

(404) 846-3844

turtle Creek, AZ M-P


Turtle Creek, AZ M-P . P

Member to M-P

I just heard that the FBI was “exposing” the Bush administration. If they don’t want to admit that, they’re still doing it now, but you could be on the receiving end of this, I suppose.

The people who were the targets of the operation are now working to undermine Obama, but I doubt any of them will ever admit this.


Turtle Creek, AZ


join:2002-01-05 M-P Member Re

It’s no secret that government “investigators” are taking the blame for everything, they’re playing the part of corrupt, corrupt judges and legislators and other officials from the Federal government. However, we don’t know how widespread that corruption is. And so when one police agency investigates one person for misconduct, then the other agencies use the investigation as an excuse to find out the big guy is still out there. The question that arises is how many Americans are involved, how many are even involved. Many of them are not even supposed to be involved, but they are still caught by the U.S. Attorney’s Office, who are not supposed to be involved. This goes to show that the government’s job is to get people to cooperate, if only to get them to cooperate. It does not show up in their files of the criminal investigation of a person they believe to be working for them, not to mention the record sheets in the office where the person is still at large. And this just reinforces the idea that “criminals and their accomplices” are just criminals on the run. I believe there are two ways that people can be caught by the U.S. Attorney’s Office. Either they are caught by the prosecutors investigating the crime, or they fall under the supervision of a U.S. attorney.





I think the only true law-enforcement agencies are the federal agencies that are charged with protecting the laws of our country. But because of the fact that most of the law enforcement agency are actually under the influence of an illicit drug or a cartel, the government will continue to take the blame as time goes on for it.




Cambria, AZ BRAnder-f Member Re: It’s no secret that government “investigators” are taking the blame for everything, they’re playing the part of

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Ex-Sheriff John L. Turner And Local Story. (August 11, 2021). Retrieved from https://www.freeessays.education/ex-sheriff-john-l-turner-and-local-story-essay/