The Effect of Sports and Extracurricular Activity on Njupt
Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications Research paper On  The effect of sports and extracurricular activity on NJUPT students. Title: Data Analysis  Instructor:    YI YINGYING                      Student ID Name Score F1016090218 Uzzal Sarkar           School of Management First Semester 2016-2017 School Year           Abstract – Extracurricular activities are found in all levels of our schools in many different forms. They can be sports, clubs, debate, drama, school publications, student council, and other social events. A student‟s future can be determined in the things that they do in the hours after school and before their parents get home. This paper describes the role of extracurricular activities and the positive effects that they can have on students of all kinds ranging from the above average student to the student that is on the brink of dropping out of school.

Keyword: Sports, Extracurricular activity, Descriptive statistics, ANOVA, NJUPT etc.            Table of Contents   Particulars

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Extracurricular Activity And Telecommunications Research Paper. (July 9, 2021). Retrieved from