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In Praise of Slowness: Challenging the Cult of Speed
“Time is gold”. This is the main reason why people consider every single tick of a clock as a means of living their lives in reaching their goals in a fast-paced manner. However, a book has been published regarding the fact that slowness is the answer to balancing quality with speed. How is this possible? This paper shall highlight the necessary factors of the issue that is discussed in the book “In Praise of Slowness: Challenging the Cult of Speed”. Hence, the factual claims of the author regarding the virtue of being slow shall be clarified as well.

In Praise of Slowness: Challenging the Cult of Speed
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In Praise of Slowness: Challenging the Cult of Speed
An Analysis
Fast speed is already a virtue in an industrial world. Everything is expected to change in advancement at the single tick of a clock. In this regard, people have been used to running after time and getting along well with the fast-paced system of the humans developing situation.

To be able to meet deadlines and other time-limited work, everybody has to apply speed on their job. Certainly, this scenario of running after time is indeed obvious in the present systems of the society today. Hence, it could be understood the past virtue of men of taking things slowly to ensure that what they are doing is of high quality is quite gone these days. The interpretation of man is more focused on the quantity of the products done rather than simply thinking of the quality that the products have in them. This is the reason why the author of the book “In Praise of Slowness: Challenging the Cult of Speed”, highlights the importance of taking things slowly.

It is obviously in contrary with what the majority defines as the key factor in achieving success in a time-conscious society. However, with the understanding of the value of balance, slowness could really be an answer to meeting the challenging aspects of the human society with regards to time.

In Praise of Slowness: Challenging the Cult of Speed
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Honores Arguments on Time
The author of the book claims that through the virtue of taking things slowly, more things could be done better. As this matter of concern is presented in the book in a

from of a chronological story of pointing out the importance of taking things one at a time, the author was able to show the importance of his idea on being slow.

Clearly, his statements do not suggest that to become slow, a person must live in the suburbs and move away from the busy life in the cities. However, an individuals ability to adjust with the fast-paced system through the utilization of the balance of speed and efficiency could become the key factor by which a person could live in a busty world without losing

too much time. Doing things in an amiably slowly but surely manner, the efficiency of the product of the slow-paced job could save more time than doing things fast causing more troubles because of the less-efficient input placed upon a task.

Through the suggestions of the author, it could be identified that his point is to inculcate to the mind of the readers the importance of doing things perfectly to be able to become more efficient. Thus, if the end

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Factual Claims Of The Author And Main Reason. (June 29, 2021). Retrieved from