Fairy Tale – Essay – spr25
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Fairy Tale
Once upon a time, there was a young boy and his sister, who lived in an old house. The boy’s sister was absolutely angelic and beautiful, some say she was of the gods. The boy was completely opposite, he was hideous. The sister would constantly tease and make fun of her sibling. The boy was lonely, while his sister had all the recognition. One day, the boy was feeling considerably more lonely so he went to his town’s wishing well. He threw down some gold coins and said, “wishing well, oh wishing well. Can’t you grant me my desired wishes?”
Almost instantly, a magical figure, in the form of a little man appeared. In amazement, the boy asked, “Oh magical creature, can’t you grant my desired wishes?”
“Wishes? I am only allowed to grant you one wish, so go on with your aspiration.” said the man.
“I wish only to find true love and live happily.” the boy replied.
The man told the young boy, in order to find true love, he must travel to the realm of love and find the magic heart stone. Without hesitation, the boy went to his sister and explained.
“You stupid little boy, you are much too ugly to find love. This journey will not find you what you seek, but if you insist, I will go with you.” the sister replied.
The same day, they set out for the magic heart stone that the magic man spoke of. Throughout the journey, every single sound that came from the sister was a complaint or a statement about how the boy was too ugly and would die alone. At the same time, the magic man was there to remind the boy of his asking, telling him to stay persistent and he will be granted his wish. At last, they reached the heart stone. The magic man stated than in order to activate the stone’s powers, the blood of the
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(2016, 01). Fairy Tale. EssaysForStudent.com. Retrieved 01, 2016, from
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"Fairy Tale." EssaysForStudent.com. 01, 2016. Accessed 01, 2016.
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By: spr25
Submitted: January 21, 2016
Essay Length: 533 Words / 3 Pages
Paper type: Essay Views: 553
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