There Is Evil in High Places
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THERE IS EVIL IN HIGH PLACES in America today. There is an evil which has taken our grief over the dead in Oklahoma City and is using it cynically to advance its political agenda. There is an evil which has gradually stripped us of many rights won for us by the blood of our fathers, and which is now using our grief over the innocent dead to manipulate us into giving up those two final strongholds of American freedom, the First and Second Amendments to our Constitution.

This evil is ensconced in the highest offices of our land, and in the media which bring us our picture of the world around us. These two positions in our society ought to be sacred trusts, held only by loyal Americans dedicated to the principles of our founding fathers. We need honorable Americans, loyal only to our people and to our Constitution, to fill the offices of President and Attorney General. But that we do not have. We need loyal and honorable Americans to hold the positions of trust in our media of information, for how else are we to truly know what is happening to our nation? How can we be wisely self-governing if we are not given the truth? Those who are the controlling force in our nations major media are not honorable, they are not Americans, and they have an agenda which for all practical purposes makes them the declared enemies of the American people.

There is evil in high places, ladies and gentlemen, because there has been a revolution in this country and the American people lost. It was a revolution in which the old forms of the American government were retained, but the substance was replaced. You have probably never been told about this revolution. A telling mark of its arrival, though, is the fact that we must now celebrate one of its heroes birthdays as a national holiday, while the heroes of the Old America, like Washington and Columbus, are reviled or quietly forgotten.

The writer Garet Garrett said:
“There are those who still think they are holding the pass against a revolution that may be coming up the road. But they are gazing in the wrong

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Final Strongholds Of American Freedom And Telling Mark Of Its Arrival. (July 6, 2021). Retrieved from