German Tuition Fee
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Comparison of tuition fees in the world
between 3.900 and 23.000 € for one year
students from lower social classes pay average 2.500 € on the cheapest university
25% get a governmental scholarship
50% financial support from private organisations
“scholarships agency” ﺨ apply
universities arise tuition fees since their foundation in the end of the 19. century
governmental uniÐÒs students pay 3.900 € ( = 520800 YEN )
private uniÐÒs twice of this amount
No financial support , only a creditprogram like in Germany
All universities arise tuition fees
The government appoints a maximum, which varied between different faculty
For example: medical degree: 8000 A$ = 4.600 € ; Teacher: 3850 A$ = 2250€
Accrued charges between 3% and 6% from the salary ( when 25000 A$ )
OVERVIEW in average
USA: 100.000 € ( 4years )
AUSTRALIA 38.000 € ( 4years )
GB: 60.000 € ( 3years )
Germanys financial programm for the tuition fees
The german examplar ist a kind of advance- system. It allows the students to decide, if they want to pay the 500€ fee at the beginning of each semester or at the end of their studies.

KFW — credit
The credit — contract is between a normal bank ( only agent ) and the student himself. The assumption is the enrollment , not financial possibilities.

outpayment max. 650 € a month minus the interest of 5.1%
there is no amortization until 2 years after finisihing the studies
repayment starts 2 years after for max. 25 years
Exceptions for disabled people and BafĶG — acceptors. But this is still in development.
From the department of the german economy IW cologne
first 13 schoolyears until abitur = 60.000 €

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Financial Support And Department Of The German Economy Iw Cologne. (July 11, 2021). Retrieved from