Four Geographic Traditions
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The following the Four Geographic Traditions: (1) a spatial tradition, (2) an area analysis tradition, (3) a man-land tradition and (4) an earth science tradition. These Traditions has many different assumptions and aspects of geography; aspects ranging from basic mapping and geometry, to the impact on nature of humans and the processes of the earth itself. In 1964, William D. Pattison outlined four traditional areas of study that aid the geographers ability to explain what goes on in the world: the spatial or location tradition; the regional tradition; the human-environment tradition; and the earth science tradition (McDaniel, Paul).

Spatial tradition also called location tradition, it includes the spatial location or spatial distribution of cultural and physical features and activities on the earth. Gradually replacing the regional tradition in urban geography during the late 1950s was the spatial analysis, which remains an important research thrust in the twenty-first century. Spatial analysis involves an emphasis on developing theory, hypotheses, quantitative

methods, and mathematical model buildings. The overriding concern in spatial analysis is locational theory, where cities are located. Mr. Pattison states, “Ancient Greek sailing records first showed this perspective; school teachers and research geographers of central-place theory show it today (Pattison, William).

A study of a particular portion of earths surface is the area analysis tradition, such as a continent, a country, or some other division – with the intent of making it as fully understood as possible in as many facets of its nature as they deem practicable. Because of the possibilities of their inquiries is so broad, regional geographers must become thoroughly experienced in all of the topical subfields of this field. Geography plays a significant role in how we live our lives today. Because of geography there are different materials in the world used to make produced goods. Central place theory is the geography theory that seeks to explain the number, size and location of human settlements in an urban system. Area Studies, just like the spatial tradition it has

roots from many, many years ago. The Greek philosopher, Strabo, wrote an encyclopedia about geographical
Earth Sciences Tradition is, the fourth tradition, studies concrete parts of the world.

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Four Geographic Traditions And Spatial Tradition. (June 29, 2021). Retrieved from