Mall of America – Mining Wifi Data
Data Mining – Mall of America Wifi Mining Q.1. Is there a business value to the Mall of America in giving free Wi-Fi to its consumers? Justify your answer in no more than 500 words. Ans: Yes, there is business value to the MOA in providing the free Wi-Fi to its consumer. Though the ROI is not much but the value additions are there. Free Wi-Fi can be useful where people have to wait for longer period of time or to keep the people longer in the places. Also, the studies reveal that most of the people reviews the products online while shopping which they are going to buy. This helps customers to make in store decisions about buying.Below are the value additions business getting by providing Free wi-fi connectivity.Attracting New Customers:By Providing free Wi-Fi, MOA can attract new customers as the customers tend to expect the free service so that they stay connected while they are out from home.Provides Consumer’s data to get the insights: Mall can get the customer basic details at their Wi-Fi login/home page and they can use them for drawing the insights with the collected details. Wi-Fi offers an opportunity to track how frequently the customer visits the mall, at what time they visit, how long they are going to stay in the mall etc., Also promotional offers can be published on the Wi-Fi home page by collecting the customer information through which their spending behavior can be analyzed.

Helps in differentiating from other competitors: Providing free Wi-Fi to the customers will have an advantage over the other competitors who don’t provide the Wi-Fi. People tend to choose the places where there will be a free Wi-Fi Connectivity as there are people using smart gadgets like Mobiles, Tablets and i-Pads. So, this will be a beneficiary to the business if the other competitors are not providing the free Wi-Fi service.More time spent in the Premises: One of the benefits offered by providing free Wi-Fi is the time spent got increased more within the Mall premises. Customers can stay longer times if they are connected. According to a survey, thirty percent of the customer said that they are more likely to spend more time in the malls where there is a Wi-Fi available.Increase in the sales: As the people tend to spend more time in the premises of the mall, there is a possibility that there may be the increase in the sales. Malls can advertise on a Wi-Fi flash advertising with some promotional offers and discounts for the customer who are visiting frequently. Better Customer relations: Providing free Wi-Fi will be useful in maintaining the better customer relations. People can be productive and stay connected during their waiting times in the mall visit.Foot Traffic Metrics and Improvised ranking in Search Engines:  Most of the people are using GPS enabled devices now days. People also search for amenities like Wi-Fi. So, providing free Wi-Fi can put the mall on the Google maps and other searching applications so that customers can easily notice the mall on the map. Because people will be tagging the mall whenever they visit the mall. Also, if the Mall is listed in any of the applications that are installed on the mobile devices, with the help of indexing content, the mall will be in the top ranking if people clicks more. This will improve the search engine ranking of the mall.

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Free Wi-Fi And Mall Of America. (June 8, 2021). Retrieved from