Business Communication Assignment one
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This model provides deep information about the factors within the sender or receiver skills in communicating, subject knowledge, their culture, their attitudes towards themselves and the peoples who are involved in the exchange. It is divided into four parts like source, message, channel and receiver.

To show the flow of this model and the theory there is a suitable example of a conversation between two friends Alma and Watson both are good friends. Alma is starting the conversation so she is the source. She starts it with a logical argument and Watson (receiver) replies logically but not trying to show it because of communication skills. Secondly they both speaking about their past what happened with both of them and about likes and dislikes. So this conversation is possible because of senders and receivers knowledge which may contain by the massage and help to communicating the message. Socio culture system also plays a vital role in this conversation like they both are from same culture but they are from different places.

As a result these factors also effect this conversation like they are using different words and extent which may affect their communication. Attitude is also a part of this conversation. Then Alma reaction is in a code (a part of message).Mainly it is facial expression or language including grammar or syntax etc. Watson uses the feedback to try to know what really Alma is feeling or thinking. It is the content which may include the entire message. Sometimes a person can identify the content by rephrasing but with a useful feedback technique. Then Watson doesnt want to go with her idea so

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Friends Alma And Suitable Example Of A Conversation. (June 28, 2021). Retrieved from