Antitrust Summary
Essay Preview: Antitrust Summary
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Soc. 335
Dr. Hector J. Maymi-Sugranes
February 28, 2002
The movie Antitrust is a movie that does what many technology based movies do today. It exposes the truth about what we can really do with our increasingly advancing technology and how it can affect our lives immensely. In the story of Antitrust the plot evolves around what is called S.Y.N.A.P.S.E., which represents what will “Transform the way people communicate.” This new form of communication, due to S.Y.N.A.P.S.E., will be the first satellite delivered global communications system that links simultaneously every communication device in the world. The film addresses various sociological issues and deals with topics relevant to todays society.

The main character, Milo, is an idealistic young computer genius with an artist girlfriend and a bright future. He and his friend, Teddy fantasize about launching a start-up company when hes recruited by NURV (Never Underestimate Radical Vision), a multi-billion dollar corporation, run by his professional hero, Gary Winston. Winston takes a personal interest in Milo. Little to Milos knowledge, Winston has ulterior motives. He needs his brilliance to stay ahead of the field in the race for convergence. “There is no second place,” Winston implants in his employees as a motivator. For Milo its a dream come true, a chance to become a legend in his own right. Its hard to disappoint Teddy, but their offer is too good to refuse.

With a talented new colleague, Milo is soon caught up in the exciting challenge of realizing Winstons vision. Winston is an inspired mentor and no problem remains unsolved for long, but new developments are brought to Milo with such speed and frequency, he begins to doubt their source.

Tragedy strikes and Milos doubts become suspicions. It looks as if the company will stop at nothing to win. He investigates and the consequences become more and more unnerving, until there is no one left to trust and this twenty-first century David stands alone against Goliath

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Gary Winston And New Form Of Communication. (June 14, 2021). Retrieved from