Gateway’s Strategy
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Gateway Inc.
TLO Final Draft, April 26, 2004
M003, Team003
Catherine Flynn
Rebecca Fowler
Jason Gallus
Diego Garcia
Demetra Gartaganis
Alexander Gramajo
Table of Contents
Executive Summary …………………………………………………… pg 3
Works Cited …………………………………………………………… pg 28
Catherine Flynn ……………………………………………….. pg 33
Rebecca Fowler ……………………………………………….. pg 36
Jason Gallus ………………………………………………… pg 39
Diego Garcia ………………………………………………….. pg 41
Demetra Gartaganis …………………………………………… pg 43
Alexander Gramajo …………………………………………… pg 47
Executive Summary
Gateway is one of the main players in the PC industry. By using current IT methods appropriately, it can improve its productivity, efficiency, and business practices to better its ability to succeed against other competitors in the PC market. The following pages will guide Gateway Inc. in effective implementation of IT with respect to sales, supply chain, marketing, and customer service.

Sales are a necessary and vital aspect to all companies, and certainly Gateway Inc. is no different. As such, Gateway must try to use IT to the best of its ability in order to capitalize on potential opportunities. First and foremost, Gateway must eliminate their physical stores, which have proven to generate large overhead costs for the company without providing sufficient revenues to compensate. By refocusing sales through telephone or online channels, Gateway can escape competition with large retail giants such as Best Buy and Circuit City, and can instead provide great customer service and clear sales opportunities at practically no cost.

Gateway needs to support online sales with an easy to use website that allows for quick access to customer service technicians and allows consumers to customize desired features in their products. Additionally, customers enjoy having the ability to track order status and know when to expect shipment arrivals with the use of radio frequency identification. Dell has dominated such practices for quite some time, but under the right guidance, Gateway can surpass similar success.

In addition to the sales aspect of the company, Gateway should also integrate IT that would help create a more efficient supply chain. Using the following technology could reduce inventory levels and overhead costs. We recommend that Gateway use I2 Technologies Inc.’s Factory Planner software, WebSphere Middleware, and an advanced planning and Scheduling (APS) System. These forms of IT would allow Gateway to access company, product, and consumer information all within the same system. More efficient procedures can save time and improve efficiency as well. Lastly, as mentioned before, RFID technology would allow Gateway to track its products and parts, hopefully reducing the costs of inventory and storage backups.

Gateway has partnered with America Online and bought out eMachines to improve its customer range by creating new products and expanding their customer base. It can continue to partner with companies to acquire further knowledge of its markets and combine strengths to improve productivity. It can improve the e-trust of its website to ease the minds of its customers and increase profits. More products will be sold, there will be better customer relationships, and customers will return to the site and be more

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Gateway’S Strategy And Use Of Radio Frequency Identification. (June 29, 2021). Retrieved from