It’s Germany’s Fault?Essay title: It’s Germany’s Fault?Its Germanys Fault?!World War I commenced from many significant events. Murder, militarism, alliances, nationalism, imperialism, predictions, and plans were all key factors in the start of WWI. All of the European countries involved in alliances each had a part to contribute to who-to-blame for beginning the war. War was unavoidable with the way each country was acting based on pre-judgments and precautions. Germany is the country that gets the most blame for starting the Great War for many reasons. A lot of contradiction occurs on the issue of blame but when you really bring all the factors together, the Central Powers and Allies during WWI made equal if not lesser contributions.
WWI started because of control and power urges. Germany and Britain, as well as the rest of the European countries, were in a competition of navy and army populations, colonialism, and power. WWI also initiated from the murder of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, Sophie, on a visit to Sarajevo by Serbian nationalist, Gavilo Princip. This caused Germany to react and send a blank check to Austria, stating it was okay to move against Serbia. An ultimatum given to Serbia was difficult to accept so Serbia rejected, therefore, war between Austria and Serbia began. Because Germany was allies with Austria, it also got involved with the argument and saw the war as an opportunity to initiate war on their
This did not go over very well in Germany, but the war continued, with more than 4000 British soldiers killed and 542,600 lost, most of them in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
This was also a time when the British were very aggressive with the Serbian Serbs and the Russians, who were doing well in numbers with their Serbian forces. WWI ended when the war ended in 1918 and a war between Germany and Britain was started.
WWI began with the murder of Austria’s king and the mass killings against many of his soldiers, many of which still take place today. The deaths of many were not a matter of personal, personal hate and hatred, but by an attempt by the British to put pressure on the Serbian leaders, at least for a short while, and see some kind of legal settlement. The death and mutilation of innocent people was an example. The number of dead and mutilated at sea or in the air during the war was a huge issue, but the British government and Parliament refused a settlement.