Gap Analysis
Gap Analysis
Gap Analysis: Global Communications
University of Phoenix
Gap Analysis: Global Communications
In today’s business world, companies are increasingly outsourcing to improve profitability and productivity. Global Communication was no exception to that. But in the process the company has faced many challenges and makes tough choices to remain competitive in the telecommunication industry. First the paper will identify the issues and opportunities the management deal while implementing the global strategy. Then the paper would identify the stakeholder’s rights, values and interest and ethical dilemma arising out of it. Lastly the paper would cover the end-state vision of the company and the gap realizing that vision.

Situation Analysis
Issue and Opportunity Identification
This era of globalization exposes a tough competition in every field. Telecommunication is no exception to that. Global Communication Scenario depicts various issues which need serious considerations. A sharp decrease in stock prices and profit happened. The stock prices fall from $28 per share to $11 per share in three years. The industry was experiencing stiff competition from the companies providing new service through the cable who offered internet service, telephone, and television all in one package deal at lower cost both in local, long distance and international market. Another important issue was of not informing the representative of the Union at the right time about the Management Plan of outsourcing. By doing this, the management lost the trust of the Union. The Union was unhappy with the outsourcing part of the plan and the last meeting had made no progress in getting them to agree the idea of globalization. The last communications from the Union is that they will be seeking recourse through the Govt. and all other available resources. (University of Phoenix, 2007, Scenario Two). The plan of lay-off and salary cut of the relocated employees created a bad precedent in saving the reputation of treating people well in the industry. In the process they are bound to lose many of their best and loyal employees. The competitors of the Global Communication will find this as an opportunity to come after the best people of the Global Communication Company. The Management body did not also consult their stakeholders like Union or employee how to increase the profit level of the company without lay-offing his old employees. At the same time customers are also too demanding and want complete modernization and sophistication of tools in this industry. The senior management team made a plan that contains opportunities of betterment in near future. The opportunity includes video services and internet access through satellite and dish antenna as well as partnership with the wireless companies. The plan also includes globalization of the company by opening technical call centers in India and Ireland. The company is ready to transform it into truly global company but faces an uncertain future for its ineffective communication skill. Therefore, it became a necessity for the senior management team to reduce uncertainty and improve decision making quality by improving workplace communication skill. Mc Shane and Von Glinow (2004, p.324) observed that the workplace communication has substantial effect on organizational performance. They further noted “…a Company’s market value increases…..when it improves its “communication integrity.”(Mc Shane and Von Gilinow, 2004, p.324)

Stakeholder Perspectives/Ethical Dilemmas
The company was passing through difficult phase in balancing the rights, values and interest of its major stakeholder. The stakeholders include the board of the company, the employees, the Union, the shareholders and the customers. Each stakeholder had his or her own goal which is different from each other. In such situation, conflict is inevitable. As illustrated by Kreitner and Kinicki, (2003, p.486) conflict is where “one party perceives its interests are being opposed by or set back by another party.” The major issue of conflict is between the Global Communication and the Union. Global Communication wants to be a true global company following the outsourcing methods and restructuring company’s local personnel

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Global Communications And Management Deal. (June 13, 2021). Retrieved from