My Paper
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Our team paper is about the British petroleum oil company which was founded in 1909 after they discovered the oil reserves in the Arabian world. By the name of Anglo-Persian Oil Company as a Business of the British Empire. In 1954 the company was told to expand to oil reserves in the North Sea and Alaska and they had to rename it British Petrol although the nationalization process in Iran. Since its Company BP was worldwide orientated Business and the main places was to focuses on America and Europe Knowing it produced goods on so many countries really depended on them and couldnt produce it themselves. Then they had a big crisis for the business between 1992 thru 1995 a reorganization took place. With the both of them BP in the second largest business in the oil industry and 8 largest business in the world and employs people with billions of different professions.
The globalization aspect of this company is there organization structure is so difficult that they just do not want to allow the internet user a look behind the set. Of course it is likely that they use this global network to make the company more efficient and to rationalize the producing process. It is generally known that in most cases after mergers follow the reduction of jobs and employees working for the company; administration and e.g. transport could be brought together to save money and to make production proficient. But there is another point of view, too: the global network can also be used to save taxes: the company is able to sell and buy products between firms that belong to the network – so that for example returns become a loss (because you have to pay taxes only for returns) and even losses can be turned into returns to keep the reputation up and furthermore the price of the shares.
These are aspects of globalisation and company-networks which normally work in many cases.