Edci 1001 – Gotta Risk It for the Biscuit – Essay – Bigtingaling
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Edci 1001 – Gotta Risk It for the Biscuit
Joshua BigtingDr. Herman O. KellyEDCI 10015 October 2015Gotta Risk It for the Biscuit        My journey as an LSU Tiger is slowly coming to an end. I am a fourth-year senior, pursuing my Bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology. All six semesters that I have completed thus far have been quite the rollercoaster. I have had my good semesters and my bad semesters. However, my most recently completed semester happens to be one of my best so far. I finished the Spring 2015 semester with a 3.67 GPA, all while juggling extracurriculars and a social life at the same time. I have a pretty long list of goals for this semester, but an ambitious checklist is nothing out of the ordinary for me. I am currently applying to Physical Therapy school, so my goals for this semester include getting the highest possible GPA that I can to better my chances of getting into Physical Therapy School. Aside from getting accepted into Physical Therapy school, I am trying to improve my current study habits and I would also like to become more physically fit.        In my opinion, setting lofty goals is easy. It’s the completion of those goals that is the main challenge. I know that if I want to better my chances of getting into Physical Therapy school, improve my study habits, and become more physically fit that I cannot simply sit around and wait for those things to happen. First off, if I want to improve my chances of getting into Physical Therapy school, I am going to have to boost my application in a number of ways. The main thing to improve is my test scores, so I have to try and raise my GRE score and my GPA as much as possible before the deadline for the applications. Those tasks will not be a walk in the park either. For me to raise my GRE score I will have to schedule another testing date sometime in the next couple of months, and I will have to take several practice exams months ahead of time. For me to raise my GPA, I will have to do very well in my classes for the next two semesters, so that means that I will have to study harder than I ever have since I am taking all upper-level classes now. Aside from raising my test scores, I can still boost my application by writing a good personal statement. In order to do this, I will have to analyze the prompt very well and spend a decent amount of time actually writing the personal statement.

My second goal for this semester is to improve my current study habits. In high school, I had a good system for studying every night and I always felt like I was prepared before each and every test. However, in college I have a lot more free time, which isn’t always a good thing. Sometimes I find myself wasting time doing pointless activities simply because I have a little free time here and there. But I know that if I want to achieve my first goal for this semester that I am going to have to complete my second goal as well. For me to improve my current study habits, I have to structure my days into times when I need to study and review as well as having time on the side to have fun and relax. The text that we go over every class is incredibly useful to build a schedule for studying. The textbook talks about starting the studying process for a test at least a week in advance, while using various techniques such as “chunking” to review the information. If I follow the techniques shown in the textbook, I’m sure that I can improve upon the study skills that I already have.

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(2015, 10). Edci 1001 – Gotta Risk It for the Biscuit. EssaysForStudent.com. Retrieved 10, 2015, from
“Edci 1001 – Gotta Risk It for the Biscuit” EssaysForStudent.com. 10 2015. 2015. 10 2015 < "Edci 1001 - Gotta Risk It for the Biscuit." EssaysForStudent.com. EssaysForStudent.com, 10 2015. Web. 10 2015. < "Edci 1001 - Gotta Risk It for the Biscuit." EssaysForStudent.com. 10, 2015. Accessed 10, 2015. Essay Preview By: Bigtingaling Submitted: October 28, 2015 Essay Length: 1,115 Words / 5 Pages Paper type: Essay Views: 613 Report this essay Tweet Related Essays Risk It was midnight when it all happened. Tom Peterson was sleeping in bed next to his wife after a tiring day at work, while 805 Words  |  4 Pages What Are the Risks for Companies Moving into New Areas of Business Made Possible by Fast-Changing Technology? The main worry for any business planning to enter a market that utilises technology which has a high rate of change would be that anything 460 Words  |  2 Pages Managing Project Risk Managing Project Risk Introduction Managing project risk is one of the hardest parts of any project. It has been compared to a field of landmines 1,243 Words  |  5 Pages Reduce Health Risk Associated with Fast Food TIPS TO REDUCE HEALTH RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH FAST FOOD Nutrition can often be a complicated subject. People often ask themselves: • How much food should 294 Words  |  2 Pages Similar Topics Supermarket Califorina Constantly Risking Absurdity Risk Analysis On Investment Decisions Get Access to 89,000+ Essays and Term Papers Join 209,000+ Other Students High Quality Essays and Documents Sign up © 2008–2020 EssaysForStudent.comFree Essays, Book Reports, Term Papers and Research Papers Essays Sign up Sign in Contact us Site Map Privacy Policy Terms of Service Facebook Twitter

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