Graduation Day
A Moment in Time
Ive apparently been the victim of growing up, which apparently happens to all of us at one point in time. The moment where I realized that it was really time for me to grow up was March 27, 2015. That was a very significant day in my life; graduation day. For most people their graduation day is one of the most outstanding days of their lives. They know that there is no more high school. They know that they’re now able to move out on their own and plunge into their very own self-supporting promenade in the halls of knowledge. It signals the end of our childhood, and a start to a brand new life from our old selves. In my case my graduation day was not filled with joy and excitement. Usually when you’re taking such a big step in your life you feel ecstatic, but I felt the total opposite. There were only three things that made me smile that day. The number one thing was that my father, whom I haven’t seen in 2 years, was able to make it to my big day. Secondly, I was sharing the day with someone very special to me, my boyfriend. Although we went to separate schools and graduated at different times, we both got to see each other receive our diplomas. Lastly, I was smiling because I was finally getting away from the jerks and the wanna-bes in my class. Other than that, the day felt just like any other ordinary day. I was not excited. In fact, I was ready to get it over with. Although I wasn’t excited about the day, the day still had to come. It was seven in the morning when I was dropped off early to rehearse and go over the last few adjustments for the ceremony. I met my peers and my teachers inside the coliseum. They announced that it was time for the ceremony to start. I admit I was nervous. I mean it was graduation day – I wasn’t the only one trembling, nervous, ready to endeavor out of the high school world. It was as if I could hear everyone in the room heart racing. Everyone had nervous smiles on their face or had their hands clenched. Some students we’re even holding each other’s hand. Some had tears streaming down their faces. It was officially the beginning and the end of a journey to what our lives will in the sequel come to. Next year, we won’t be back, but now we’ll be heading off, starting at the bottom of the chain again. I was also nervous because I absolutely hate walking in front of huge crowds. I don’t like too many eyes on me. Anyways, we got lined up and the music started to play and we walked in just like we practiced. The whole stadium seemed to echo, sounding only with everyone’s pounding hearts in their chest, until reality really settled in and you could hear everyone’s family

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Graduation Day And Whole Stadium. (July 13, 2021). Retrieved from