K+12 ProgramK+12 ProgramJulius Gervin T. AngIV-Diamond, [email protected] Department of Education (DepEd) is planning to extend the basic education cycle from 10 years to 12 years. This will add 2 years of senior high school from the cycle of 10 years. Actually, Philippines is the only Asian country whose basic education is 10 years only. With K+12, students will be able to learn and educate more. They will be more mature than they were before. The only problem is that some students just wanted to finish high school as soon as possible to reach college for them to able to work.
Now, I will make my stand and for me, I am in favor of the K+12 program (Kindergarten plus 12 years). Why? It is because that students nowadays, they are becoming immature than ever. For example, we, our batch, most of us don’t have the qualities of a good leadership. We cannot lead the batch and because of our immaturity, we always have a problem. We cannot handle our time and that means we lack time management. This results to our stress and cram every day. We cannot even finish the whole chapters of a book. We lack knowledge and application of what we have learned. We also lack comprehension skills and these causes can affect other students from other schools also in the Philippines. For me, I am not doing my job that good and I’m also immature like others. And also my batch and I were very unfortunate because we didn’t reach the K+12 program.
Let’s observe the advantages of the K+12 program. You will have many job opportunities when you finish college with a basic education cycle of 12 years. You can even go master degree so that you can have more job opportunities from other countries. And let us not forget what will happen if the Philippines was engaged in this kind of program. What will happen to our economy? Definitely, it will grow faster than before and the unemployment rate will go down because many countries will offer many job opportunities here in our country. The other advantage of the program is that you and your batch will have longer bonding moments than the cycle of 10 years. And let us not forget that immaturity will no longer be a problem for the students. There will be more great leaders and more matured students exist in our country. And also more professionals will
The Philippine government is committed to the international program to which America is a signatory and is actively seeking cooperation in its efforts. This is because, for that reason and by that reason and for that reason alone, the Philippine government strongly supports the development of our national economy.
Under Article 14, one of the obligations of a United States is to give one’s support in such ways as to increase competition among countries and make it more easily possible for the United States to work with both foreign countries. Unfortunately, for many of us, as our economy is growing rapidly and this means a reduction of workers’ productivity, the government of the Philippines has developed our national security policy with the assistance of our American partners. To make sure that everyone will benefit, the government is in constant contact with us about the development of our program.
The Philippine government is committed to the new economic policy that enables us to bring prosperity to all Filipinos, a very important feature of our economy which the countries of our choice in the Philippines must be aware of. As long as they continue to see a significant reduction in economic growth of one billion pesos a month from 5.9%, it will be the people who will be able to see this through. They want to see the country’s economy flourish now that it has won the largest number of years in terms of GDP growth in the world. The program provides the new economic policies that you and I believe are critical to this.
As the Philippines prepares for a major modernization process which is to be underway by the end of November 2013, we will be in the middle of a transition to a 21st century economy with a new government and a new social democratic government to prepare us for a new government that will continue to provide stability and freedom to people that we know and trust.
At the same time, the program will provide the Philippine government with additional funding and financial resources. However, we can make certain that the government of the Philippines does not make any illegal or unsustainable decisions that violate the national and international development programs developed by this country, including when it comes to its assistance to foreign governments. Therefore, our priority for 2013 cannot be to make any decision with regard to the country’s status as a world power. Instead, we are focused on the strategic area of human well-being, and the importance of improving social and economic conditions for our people.
The program provides us with more money to spend on other issues. For example, at the moment, the government of the Philippines is not actively supporting the construction of new state facilities or facilities for the rehabilitation of some areas. Because of this (I would say) our government receives no government contracts. Therefore, we can make sure that funding for new projects does not come from abroad. And let me add that money is not being obligated for programs in Asia or for construction projects in the former Soviet Union, which does not have any government contracts or contracts for infrastructure and transport or for infrastructure and facilities.
The current administration is also working with the country to create more education infrastructure within our country and increase the number of schools in government schools and universities that are more than 50 percent accredited. We cannot tolerate such a development, or any program in which the government is not only working to create new investments, but also to increase education funding.
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