Crossing Borders – Essay – jellyka123456879
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/Social Issues
Crossing Borders
Individual Case Study
The competencies that might be appropriate to ensure greater effectiveness of U.S. employees operating in a Maquiladora or other non- U.S. Organization are: They should have the ability to understand and interpret their working environment before they reach their work destination. This will help the employees to prepare for a new culture that they entering and to reveal to them what they might have to expect. They should establish or build a strong relationship among their employees and employers because it is the foundation for effective communication. And that is what the top management should do or develop to understand cultural diversity. That is knowing and understanding the different cultures and behaviors within the organization so that the management can ensure that its employees and employers have a good relationship with each other.
The costs of not understanding diversity are: Poor of communication between employees can cause misunderstanding and miscommunication. The employees could not perform well in their work because they don’t have trust, support and unity in each other. In order to gain loyalty, trust, unity, respect, full support and a strong relationship in the organization is by approaching the plant with greater cultural understanding.
Individual Case Study
The competencies that might be appropriate to ensure greater effectiveness of U.S. employees operating in a Maquiladora or other non- U.S. Organization are: They should have the ability to understand and interpret their working environment before they reach their work destination. This will help the employees to prepare for a new culture that they entering and to reveal to them what they might have to expect. They should establish or build a strong relationship among their employees and employers because it is the foundation for effective communication. And that is what the top management should do or develop to understand cultural diversity. That is knowing and understanding the different cultures and behaviors within the organization so that the management can ensure that its employees and employers have a good relationship with each other.
The costs of not understanding diversity are: Poor of communication between employees can cause misunderstanding and miscommunication. The employees could not perform well in their work because they don’t have trust, support and unity in each other. In order to gain loyalty, trust, unity, respect, full support and a strong relationship in the organization is by approaching the plant with greater cultural understanding.
Individual Case Study
The competencies that might be appropriate to ensure greater effectiveness of U.S. employees operating in a Maquiladora or other non- U.S. Organization are: They should have the ability to understand and interpret their working environment before they reach their work destination. This will help the employees to prepare for a new culture that they entering and to reveal to them what they might have to expect. They should establish or build a strong relationship among their employees and employers
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Essay Preview
By: jellyka123456879
Submitted: April 17, 2017
Essay Length: 789 Words / 4 Pages
Paper type: Essay
Views: 398
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