Basic Growth Theory
Notes on Growth Theory1 Growth AccountingNotations: Y –output or GDP, K–capital, L–labor, A–technology or total factor productivity (TFP); subscript t denotes the time, e.g. Yt is the output at time t.The change of variable X is defined byX can be Y, K, L, or A.Growth rate γX of variable X is∆Xt = Xt+1 − Xt,γX =Xt+1 − XtXt= ∆Xt . Xt– For example, growth rate of GDP, γY = ∆Yt/Yt, growth rate of capital γK = ∆Kt/Kt.The aggregate production function has the formYt = AtKαL1−α,t ti.e. the Cobb-Douglas production function, where 0 < α < 1.Basic Introduction of Natural Logarithm Function lnDeftnition 1.1. A real number y = ln x if ey = x.Properties of natural logarithm functionProposition 1.1. For any two strictly positive real numbers a and b, ln ab = ln a + ln b. Proof. Note thattherefore, ln a + ln b = ln ab.eln a+ln b = .eln a. .eln b. = ab,Proposition 1.2. For any strictly positive number a and any real number β, ln(aβ ) = β ln a. Proof. Note that
Essay About Growth Theory1 Growth Accountingnotations And A.Growth Rate Γx Of Variable X
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Latest Update: June 29, 2021
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Growth Theory1 Growth Accountingnotations And A.Growth Rate Γx Of Variable X. (June 29, 2021). Retrieved from