The Half Life of Dice – Decay Investigation – Lab Report – Andrew Wu
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The Half Life of Dice – Decay Investigation
The Half life of dice – Decay InvestigationAim: In this experiment, our goal is to find the half life of dice, which will represent the radioactive decay of an atom.Abstract: While throwing the dice on the table, the result that comes out is a random event. The same as to the decay of an atom is also random. With that in mind, as a result, dice can be used to simulate radioactive decay. To simulate radioactive decay, we need to know when a dice has “decayed”. Here, the easiest way is to have the number 6 on the cube to represent the dice has “decayed”. When the number 6 turns up on the face,  the dice has decayed and will be removed from the set. The rest of normal dice goes on. [pic 1]Material:Dice * 100A container Paper and pens to recordProcedure:Get 100 dice, put all of them into the container.To shake the container, as to make sure the randomness of the outcome.Pour the dice out on the desk/floor.Count and take out the dice which appears to have a number 6 face on top. Record the number of dice which has the number 6 face on top.Put the remaining dice back into the container.Repeat steps 2 – 5 for 4 more times.Share the data with the other group for more accuracy.Data Collection:Table 1: The decay of dice, Set 1TrialNumber of dice “decayed”Remaining dice0100 dices100 dices117 dices83 dices213 dices70 dices310 dices60 dices45 dices55 dices512 dices43 dicesTable 2: The decay of dice, Set 2TrialNumber of dice “decayed”Remaining dices0100 dices100 dices116 dices84 dices216 dices68 dices312 dices56 dices45 dices51 dices56 dices45 dicesTable 3: The decay of dice, Set 3TrialNumber of dice “decayed”Remaining dices0100 dices100 dices118 dices82 dices210 dices72 dices313 dices59 dices416 dices43 dices58 dices35 dicesGraph:Processed Data:[pic 2][pic 3]Half life of the dice for set 1Amount of dices remained Number of throwsHalf of the amount of dice remainedNumber of throws associated on the graph (+- 0.1)Difference between the number of throws (Half life of the dice) (+- 0.1)1000504.34.3831425.14.1Average = 4.2 throwsAverage Half life of the dice:(4.2 + 4.2 + 3.5) / 3 = 4.0 throwsConclusion:In this experiment, we tested the half life of the dices, to represent the radioactive decay and the half life of atoms. As the dice turned to 6, it decayed and was removed from the set.

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(2017, 06). The Half Life of Dice – Decay Investigation. Retrieved 06, 2017, from
“The Half Life of Dice – Decay Investigation” 06 2017. 2017. 06 2017 < "The Half Life of Dice - Decay Investigation.", 06 2017. Web. 06 2017. < "The Half Life of Dice - Decay Investigation." 06, 2017. Accessed 06, 2017. Essay Preview By: Andrew Wu Submitted: June 10, 2017 Essay Length: 987 Words / 4 Pages Paper type: Lab Report Views: 602 Report this essay Tweet Related Essays Life of Pi Quotes 1. "If Hinduism flow placidly like the Ganges then Christianity bustles like Toronto at Rush Hour" In this quote, comparison is being used by Yann 692 Words  |  3 Pages Life and Creative Way of Frederick Chopin Childhood and young years Friderik Chopin was born near Warsaw in the name Zhelyazova Volya. Contested by three dates of his birth. Official metric found 7,923 Words  |  32 Pages Life Path of Ludwig Van Beethoven BEETHOVEN - one of the greatest events of world culture. On the philosophical depth of democratic orientation, the courage to innovate Beethoven is unparalleled in 2,079 Words  |  9 Pages Half Life 2 Strategy Guide The sequel to what many call the greatest shooter ever, Half Life 2 again seats you in the pants of Gordon Freeman. Gordon, an M.I.T. 661 Words  |  3 Pages Similar Topics Secret Life Factory Service Centers Cycle Life Get Access to 89,000+ Essays and Term Papers Join 209,000+ Other Students High Quality Essays and Documents Sign up © 2008–2020 EssaysForStudent.comFree Essays, Book Reports, Term Papers and Research Papers Essays Sign up Sign in Contact us Site Map Privacy Policy Terms of Service Facebook Twitter

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Half Life Of Dice And Half Life Of The Dices. (June 16, 2021). Retrieved from