Cat of the House
Essay Preview: Cat of the House
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It’s nearly three when you wake up. Bro is gone, probably at work. His pizza hat is gone, so you can only assume that’s where he is. The kitchen has been cleaned, much to your surprise. That’s not what actually gets you though. In the corner of the counter, by the microwave, Bro has placed your school papers. He’s filled them out himself. He got pretty much everything correct and you can’t believe he even knew half of this shit.

You’re the one who has been making doctor appointments and keeping your records for the past… forever. But you guess you’re wrong. Bro has too. You feel a warm feeling pool in your stomach as you stand there, flipping through the packet of papers.

There’s still a few weeks left of summer vacation, but you already feel like it’s over. In a week or two it’ll be time to go back to school shopping and then before you know it, you’ll be trapped in moldy smelling classrooms with moldy smelling teachers who have no idea what they’re talking about.

A sigh escapes your lips and you decide to go try talking to your friends again. After all, you want to make good on your promise that you’re done disappearing.

You hear Bro come through the door a few hours later. Rose wanted to talk about Bro, but you refused to discuss anything more than that you enjoy his company. Which you know she took note of and translated to what she thinks you (and what you probably) mean. Jade was super sweet and just rambled about all the things she wanted to talk to you about all summer. She sent you so many links and chastised you for not updating Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff. You had forgotten all about that dumb shit.

Wow, look at you. Dumb shit? It’s like you’re maturing or something.
John however refused to talk to you for more than two seconds. The minute you tried to ask him if you guys could talk about the thing, he immediately told you he had to leave and signed off. Of course Rose and Jade told you not to worry, that he was just taking it harshly and needed some time to adjust.

You’ve never seen John this upset in your whole friendship. It punches a hole in your gut that you try to sew up. Of course it remains raw and stings every time he avoids you every day you get on.

There’s only two weeks left until vacation ends. Bro corners you one day and asks if you need to go shopping while licking a stripe up your neck and nibbling at your ear. His hands drift over your body and you try to focus while you make toast. You nod and he pops the toaster preemptively, before leading you back to his bedroom while you protest that you’re starving. You don’t try to stop him, you’re hungry in different ways.

The mall is crowded and Bro seems uncomfortable with you while shopping. You try things on without showing him and throw them on counters while Bro continues to charge things to a platinum card that people stare at when he hands it over. You know they’re all thinking that he stole it. Bro just works really hard. Well, sort of. That, and he knew exactly how to play to people’s fantasies. Smuppets are so fucking gross.

At Walmart, you throw a shit ton of notebooks and pens and school supplies into the cart. You pick out a plain backpack against Bro’s insistence you get the My Little Pony one. What the fuck were you, a five year old girl? That shit couldn’t even hold half the books you’d need to take to school, anyway.

Bro takes you out for dinner, and to an actual restaurant, instead of McDonalds. The food is delicious and you enjoy spending time with Bro that isn’t just in bed. You think he notices this, because he promises you that he’ll take you out more after he gives you an amazing blow job.

You continue to talk to your friends nearly every day, sliding yourself back into your old routine slowly. John still refuses to speak much. On occasion he will banter at you for a moment before realizing what he’s doing and immediately excuse himself for one reason or another. Bro can tell it’s got you down and he keeps telling you to “buck up” about it. It makes you grimace and you ask him if he could not, every time.

Finally, the night before the first day of school approaches. You feel all sorts of nervous and you approach Bro while he’s on his computer. You can tell he’s not working.

“Do you think we could go out tonight?” you ask him over his shoulder.
He swivels around to look at you, glancing at his watch and then back up at you. He looks like he might say no, but he watches your face, picking up on your anxiety. “Sure, it’s still early,” he shrugs and gives you a small grin.

“Okay you can pick wherever you want to go, I’ll go put on something.”
Bro puts his hand on your shoulder. “Put on your suit, and leave your shades” he tells you. You furrow your brow and look at him, a question on your tongue before you just turn to go do as he says. You wonder where he’s taking you.

You get your pants, shirt and vest on, before you go to put your tie on. You stare at it for a moment before realizing Bro’s always tied your tie. Normally you guys are in a hurry, so he just ties it and continues about his business, but you know he’s going to give you so much shit. You try for a moment to remember his hand movements, but it’s not doing you any favors. Finally you make the trek to his room with your tie in your hand.

“Uh, dude… I don’t,” you start, stopping when he turns around. He look at you for a second before he lets out an obnoxious laugh.
“You don’t know how to tie your own fuckin’ tie still?”
You nearly blush and look away. “No, you always do it. You never showed me.”
“That’s bullshit, dude.”
“You always do it when we’re in a rush and you tie it to tight and choke me out, you dick prick,” you glower back him.
He rolls his eyes and takes a step forward. “You’d know it if I choked you out,” he stares down at you. You hand him the tie, biting your lip at that comment, before he pops your collar up and places it around your neck.


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Hands Drift And Warm Feeling Pool. (July 7, 2021). Retrieved from