The Harmfulness of Fake Products
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The Harmfulness of Fake Products
Fierce as the market competition,the widespread trade of fake products is to an alarming extent,which largely due to both the low cost and the quick profit of fake products.Easily being neglected,however,the harmfulness that fake products bring to us is staggeringly severe.

Fake products are exceedingly harmful to both the consumers and the whole society.On the one hand,fake products are likely to infract the rights and interests of its consumers.Take the milk scandal as an example.It has caused serious illnesses to the direct victims–the infants,and huge impacts on the families as well.More often than not,fake commodities are usually followed with after-sale quality problems such as too short life length.On the other hand,fake products do huge harm to our society,not least to the market environment.The production of fake commodities will cut into the profits of the other manufacturers, break the rule in fair competition and disorder the regular function of healthy market,which can lead to a series of social issues.

In order to suppress such a phenomenon,several measures could be done.First of all,our government should establish more sound economic systems to assert the rights of consumers as well as moral manufacturers.Besides,the government ought to inform people of the hazards of fake products by producing powerful related propaganda.Whats more,every citizen requires the consciousness of boycotting fake products.

In conclusion,fake products not only bring about unnecessary inconvenience to our life,but also infringe the relevant laws.Its high time we took measure to crack down on the production and sale of fake products!

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Harmfulness Of Fake Products And Widespread Trade Of Fake Products. (June 16, 2021). Retrieved from