Haymarket Anarchists
Essay title: Haymarket Anarchists
The critics were right in their
belief that the Haymarket anarchists were a danger to Chicago and the union, even if they didnt
perpetrate the bombing. There are many
reasons why this is true even without the iron chains of a creditable trial shacking them. Although the anarchists leaders were never convicted of the bombing, they were still a

danger because of tendencys of the anarchist leaders and anarchy in its very nature.
Even though the leaders were not convicted of any crimes, they made no secret of their
violent intentions in the world of politics. Similar to a bomb being defused
before it explodes, it was good that these leaders were imprisoned before they could do any harm to Chicago or any other city. The critics saw a real danger in these

anarchists and did a civil service to Chicago by setting off the alarm before it was too late.
In its very nature, anarchy is the direct oppistite of democracy. What better counter to the order and representation of democracy than the lawlessness and discord of

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