Essay On Mental Disorder

Essay About Wet Soil And Black Soilliquid Limit425
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Soil Reoprt SAMPLE – BLACK SOILLIQUID LIMIT425µ passing soilNameWt of empty can Wt of (can + soil)No. Of blowsWt of dry podWater content %GT-B329.375 gm55.420 gm1645.020 gm66.47491GT-C1931.802 gm63.170 gm3651.820 gm56.698972137.335 gm65.951 gm3054.893 gm62.97984GT-C436.420 gm66.350 gm2555.980 gm53.01636GT-C529.199 gm60.174 gm3449.677 gm51.25989GT-S130.134 gm55.236 gm2346.120 gm57.02490[pic 1]Liquid limit = 58.5 %PLASTIC LIMIT425µ passing soilNameWt of empty can Wt of (can +.

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