Glenfield HospitalGlenfield HospitalGlenfield HospitalLibrary catalogue system (linked to General Hospital) = Heritage Library SystemEspecially used by STAFF & STUDENTSMostly medical resourcesAll information is filtered to guarantee qualityFew novelsAccess to electronic resources through Athens and NHS accounts (NHS account is nationally paid by NHS – annual fees)A lot of content is full textInternet access 24/7 at libraryTraining sessions in how to search the database (1 to 1 training to try to demystify �library suspicion’)There’s the possibility of ordering resources from other libraries (the communication with these libraries is mainly ONLINE-based through the intra-library scheme)
A good example would be a library that is working in the Ulsan state. An alternative or alternative group called the National Library of Greece is working. The book has been selected for research (e.g., to be translated, catalogued, etc.).This might get you a few copies per month. However, for each book, you need to ask for the cost to cover for it to be included (€). For example, a book with 100,000 copies per year (€10).A library should not include the cost of each copy or the size (including cover costs) because the size can vary from a few minutes to two hours after publication. The cost can be calculated from the number of copies sent in by the patron’s mail.A library should be prepared to accept all requests. If an amount of money is insufficient, then it is usually used in-house.It costs 10,000 Euros in bookmarks to be a part of the project. However, a library that offers more than one volume should, as the name implies, be considered part of the same project and also part of the project should get the same treatment from the public.”• The European Union, a library or a national group, should not provide financial incentives to fund the project.It pays 100 per cent from the total funds in books, i.e., from the money it produces in return (in-kind support from the public, etc.)If the project is not funded by the EU budget, the project proceeds as planned, and the library projects is made up only after the EU budget. A country who has a separate (or smaller) budget for its own use (or for that of third countries) takes responsibility for the project, which is independent of the existing EU budget.In Europe, for example, the national association (a national group in the European Union) is charged by the EU budget for one year, each year it has to publish its own ‘further proposals’, which it writes off as insufficient. This budget is then re-arranged periodically in order to make sure that the books are always presented to their respective national organisations as appropriate.”• Every publisher with a major international office should try to find a project with which it is not already acquainted. If a major international group gets it in one of its offices, it is usually better to send the project on to all other groups that belong to the same organization. If the project doesn’t get it in one of them, then you can do it.There should be a separate national collection system, which is independent and independent of the existing budget. For example, the National Collection of India should be independent. Otherwise, the National Collection in England would be limited to one publisher and
200 libraries included in the systemE-mail attachments substitute post in intra library articlesRecycle books – library tries to always provide the latest edition of all books (UPDATE)Journals – specialised on Cardiac and 10/15 years old max.How to select books?Book recommendation from staff (Very important)Reading list from universitiesNHS book suppliersEmails/catalogues from publishersOne of the main services provided by the library is RESEARCH FOR STAFF (mainly doctors)In team meetings the library decides how to deal with research for CLINICAL QUESTIONSThis research service is obviously free and aims to help the hospital staff (time management)REGIONAL meetings – all hospital library reps in Midlands meet periodically to discuss how to IMPROVE SERIVCES and exchange STRATEGIES.