Monagamay – Creative Writing – Dominique Deans
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Dominique Deans
Monogamy? The practice or state of having a sexual relationship with only one partner. Now does this sound like something that a high school student could maintain? Coming from personal experiences and the experiences of my peers I believe that this is not reasonable at this time in our lives. Adolescences is a time for exploration and adventure, which doesn’t need to be constricted by only being with one person. We have the rest of our lives to find and be with one person. There are many people that that are confirmed single people that are happy dating well into their 30s. They live amazing exciting lives and eventually
28% of married couples attended the same college and 15% of people went to high school with their spouse, according to data compiled by Facebook analysts. Looking at data from all couples in the United States that both list their marriage on Facebook, the social media site compiled what high schools and colleges these couples attended, and came up with a few interesting takeaways. Based on the percentages of couples who went to school together, Facebook determined that you are more likely to marry someone from your high school if you live in a loosely populated area. People from densely populated areas are less likely to marry someone from their high school. According to data scientists at Facebook, the reason that the top three colleges differed by gender has to do with the proportion of males to females at those schools. When the male-to-female ratio is very high — meaning, the male student population greatly outnumbers the female population — the percentage of female students who could potentially meet their match is much greater. Although there was no overlap between the top three schools by gender, the authors found that 12 of the top 25 colleges for women also make it into the top 25 for men.
Young people base how they are going to treat their significant others in a relationship by how their parents treat each other. Sometimes young people try to make their relationships a reflection of their parents’. Our upbringing can a big part of how we learn to treat people that we are connected to whether through relation, friendship, personal relationships. If all a male sees in his childhood is his father being with many women while being with his mother and is not told whether it’s right or wrong he will eventually come to believe that that’s okay. Unless we are told what is right and what is wrong we will never figure it out until we either see the of treating people certain ways or experience it for ourselves how it feels. Media has also influences how some of our relationships turn out because we sometimes to aspire for our relationships to be like the ones of cerleberties. Statics prove that some high school students have dated and or had sexual intercourse with four or more partners at once. The increased risk of STDs and pregnancy is troubling for some teens, also because of the emotional
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(2016, 11). Monagamay. Retrieved 11, 2016, from
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"Monagamay." 11, 2016. Accessed 11, 2016.
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By: Dominique Deans
Submitted: November 18, 2016
Essay Length: 855 Words / 4 Pages
Paper type: Creative Writing Views: 401
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