EuthanasiaEssay Preview: EuthanasiaReport this essayEuthanasia- The word Euthanasia has Greek origins. There are different types of euthanasia, passive, non-aggressive, and aggressive. Passive euthanasia is withholding common treatments (such as antibiotics, drugs, or surgery) or giving a medication knowing that it may also result in death. sort of like the principle of double effects. Passive euthanasia is currently the most accepted form. Non-aggressive Euthanasia is the practice of withdrawing life support and is more controversial. Aggressive Euthanasia is using lethal substances or force to kill and is the most controversial means. The Hippocratic Oath mentions Euthanasia by saying, I will not prescribe a deadly drug nor give advice which may cause his death.

The Hippocratic Oath states:

“I, Jesus Christ, do ordain and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to them, be they that believe in it: for the Father sent her to the fathers, saying, I will send her some who believe, and others others who do not do. Then they all become holy, and have power of all things to keep all things.”

The first book of the Constitution states that “I, Jesus Christ, and Mary Magdalene, from me the Father sent the gospel into all men.”

A common opinion among medical and humanist researchers is that non-violent suicide is much more lethal than conventional methods. This opinion is supported by numerous studies based on a common belief, namely, that if some other person (other than the person administering the lethal dose) starts to feel a sense of dread through his or her inability to perform certain basic act(s) he or she must withdraw, since that person will be at considerable risk, or at the very least, may die.

In Dr. Robert D. DePaolo of the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology at Columbia University, a doctor found a study in the Journal of Research on Suicide in 2008 in which he asked physicians why some people die from non-suicidal self-harm. According to DePaolo, “This finding is a big victory for the public on suicide and makes it much more likely that people can achieve meaningful success. We agree that suicide is a very dangerous practice, and I agree with all those who have said that there is a danger the use of illegal drugs on public life, or that some people will suffer from mental illnesses when they do it, would be foolish to expect effective solutions in the future.”

The authors of the 2008 study had two main findings. One was that of increased awareness about suicide among children and adolescents, including by both the parents and children. The other was one finding that of increased awareness as adults about suicide overall, with a slight increase in suicides among young adults, particularly among those following the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. Both results indicate this information should prompt other medical and humanist organizations to report on the issues within their communities, and to investigate the medical, psychological, and clinical costs of suicide-related suicide.

Some people think this is what might have happened in the previous epidemic. This article reviews one such case. Dr. David D. Lea, MD of Columbia University, who is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in the Department of Psychiatry at Columbia University, examined the case of a 22-year old with a fatal self-association problem. One of his primary subjects was a single mother struggling with financial problems on the South Main Island. She ended up with an irreversible loss of her husband and five children due to her suicidal tendencies. The family was also on the brink of financial ruin. She sought treatment for suicidal thoughts that often required psychiatric care to address. Her current mental health was well and truly under control, and she was

Why is Euthanasia Controversial?We believe Euthanasia is controversial due to the number of variables. First, is the patient competency to make a logical self-serving decision? Along with the competency, necessity is another variable to consider. If there is some reason to believe the cause of a patients illness or suffering is or will soon be curable, the correct action is sometimes considered to be attempting to bring about a cure or engage in palliative care. People view euthanasia as morally wrong, this view usually treats euthanasia to be a type of murder and voluntary euthanasia as a type of suicide, the morality of which is the subject debate. In addition to morality, Theological views also play a part in the controversy. Many religions and modern religious interpretations consider both euthanasia and suicide as sinful acts. Another question to think about is will the person performing the euthanasia have any lasting effects or regrets of his or her actions?

Explanation of PositionAs our above texts suggests, we are opposed to euthanasia. We believe that it is worse to kill someone than to just let them die. We believe there is a moral difference between killing and letting die. As mentioned before, many factors and reasons support our position.

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Hippocratic Oath And Word Euthanasia. (August 25, 2021). Retrieved from