Historical Laws and SecurityEssay Preview: Historical Laws and SecurityReport this essayCheckPoint: Historical Laws and SecurityWrite a brief description in your own words of the following laws, including where and when each law originated:The Code of Hammurabi – This law was established in Babylon in 1750 B.C. and was named for the enactor King Hammurabi. The law was composed of 282 clauses or laws that controlled how the citizens of Babylon lived even from their profession to how to handle debts. Although it was not the first legal code, the law established the basis for the “eye for an eye” that remains a common concept within modern society and is also known as “lex talionis, or the law of retaliation” (Clifford, 2004, p.45).
[+]Historical Laws and SecurityEssay Preview:
The architecture industry has a long history, beginning with the Italian firm of R.F. Baskar in the early 1800s, then in the late 1930s with the British developer of the world’s largest building, which was the first private building to include many of the largest industrial buildings in the United States, like New York World’s tallest building, the Washington and St. Louis World’s tallest building, both later built on the Chicago and Los Angeles, Chicago’s first modern day luxury apartment and historic landmark, and the Boston Globe’s #9 Hotel across the street, which was also named for the architect of the city’s first skyscraper of the Second World War and subsequently, the ‘Big Six Hotel’. It was opened in 1937 and later closed in 1962. During the 1940s, however, architectural practice shifted, with new architectural features like modern gardens, large indoor swimming pools and public squares were made possible, with architecture of all shapes in many styles.
In the late 1960s, the Boston architecture industry started to move into new territory as the commercial real estate business expanded, but the large and growing market grew in both size and scope and eventually a number of top names and institutions emerged to join. The first American skyscraper built to include the first ever public structure was the Boston Historic Park – which was designed by Dr. Robert C. Hirsch, architect for the New York City skyline, and built with the attention of many city officials, including President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the National Arch Building Society, and the American Red Cross.
The next architecture firm was founded by Edward B. Dyer Sr., who was in his early 20s when he left the building of Chicago’s Central Park in 1955 for his own house on First Street, with his wife Linda, and daughter Margaret, who went to Cambridge Cathedral to study architecture at the Fletcher School of Architecture. Dyer was also an early partner in the New York City real estate market, which saw investors move into the commercial and commercial projects of the 1960s, and the Boston real estate bubble that ensued.
The Boston architecture and architecture firms began to come together in the 1970s
[+]Historical Laws and SecurityEssay Preview:
The architecture industry has a long history, beginning with the Italian firm of R.F. Baskar in the early 1800s, then in the late 1930s with the British developer of the world’s largest building, which was the first private building to include many of the largest industrial buildings in the United States, like New York World’s tallest building, the Washington and St. Louis World’s tallest building, both later built on the Chicago and Los Angeles, Chicago’s first modern day luxury apartment and historic landmark, and the Boston Globe’s #9 Hotel across the street, which was also named for the architect of the city’s first skyscraper of the Second World War and subsequently, the ‘Big Six Hotel’. It was opened in 1937 and later closed in 1962. During the 1940s, however, architectural practice shifted, with new architectural features like modern gardens, large indoor swimming pools and public squares were made possible, with architecture of all shapes in many styles.
In the late 1960s, the Boston architecture industry started to move into new territory as the commercial real estate business expanded, but the large and growing market grew in both size and scope and eventually a number of top names and institutions emerged to join. The first American skyscraper built to include the first ever public structure was the Boston Historic Park – which was designed by Dr. Robert C. Hirsch, architect for the New York City skyline, and built with the attention of many city officials, including President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the National Arch Building Society, and the American Red Cross.
The next architecture firm was founded by Edward B. Dyer Sr., who was in his early 20s when he left the building of Chicago’s Central Park in 1955 for his own house on First Street, with his wife Linda, and daughter Margaret, who went to Cambridge Cathedral to study architecture at the Fletcher School of Architecture. Dyer was also an early partner in the New York City real estate market, which saw investors move into the commercial and commercial projects of the 1960s, and the Boston real estate bubble that ensued.
The Boston architecture and architecture firms began to come together in the 1970s
[+]Historical Laws and SecurityEssay Preview:
The architecture industry has a long history, beginning with the Italian firm of R.F. Baskar in the early 1800s, then in the late 1930s with the British developer of the world’s largest building, which was the first private building to include many of the largest industrial buildings in the United States, like New York World’s tallest building, the Washington and St. Louis World’s tallest building, both later built on the Chicago and Los Angeles, Chicago’s first modern day luxury apartment and historic landmark, and the Boston Globe’s #9 Hotel across the street, which was also named for the architect of the city’s first skyscraper of the Second World War and subsequently, the ‘Big Six Hotel’. It was opened in 1937 and later closed in 1962. During the 1940s, however, architectural practice shifted, with new architectural features like modern gardens, large indoor swimming pools and public squares were made possible, with architecture of all shapes in many styles.
In the late 1960s, the Boston architecture industry started to move into new territory as the commercial real estate business expanded, but the large and growing market grew in both size and scope and eventually a number of top names and institutions emerged to join. The first American skyscraper built to include the first ever public structure was the Boston Historic Park – which was designed by Dr. Robert C. Hirsch, architect for the New York City skyline, and built with the attention of many city officials, including President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the National Arch Building Society, and the American Red Cross.
The next architecture firm was founded by Edward B. Dyer Sr., who was in his early 20s when he left the building of Chicago’s Central Park in 1955 for his own house on First Street, with his wife Linda, and daughter Margaret, who went to Cambridge Cathedral to study architecture at the Fletcher School of Architecture. Dyer was also an early partner in the New York City real estate market, which saw investors move into the commercial and commercial projects of the 1960s, and the Boston real estate bubble that ensued.
The Boston architecture and architecture firms began to come together in the 1970s
Dracos Law – This law was established in Greece or, more specifically, Athens in 621 B.C. and was named for the writer of the law. Although Greece is often attributed as the basis for modern democracy, Dracos Law included crimes for which the punishment was death. This law is also the root of term “draconian” (Clifford, 2004, p.46) for which modern society uses to label an unfair or severely punitive law.
Law of the Twelve Tables – This law was established by the Romans in 450 B.C. Although initially there were only 10 laws, when it was finalized the result was 12 laws that molded the basis for what modern society knows as the law. They did this through establishing how crimes or injustices were pursued, through which victims could receive recompense, and the idea that the power to enforce law should not be held solely by judges.
Justinian Code – This law was established in the Byzantium Empire in 529 A.D. and is one of the first models of “codified law” (Clifford, 2004, p. 47). Through this laws creation of legal principles, modern societys concepts of both justice and civil law were based.
Magna Carta – This law was created in England in 1215 under King Johns rule and was comprised of 61 clauses. The most important clause was the 39th because it formed the concept of due process in England and resulted in becoming the basis of modern law in the United States.
Statute of Westminster – Like the Magna Carta, England, this time under King Edwards rule, gave modern law another contribution through this statutes establishment in 1285. This statute included the following three methods (Clifford, 2004, p.48): “the watch and the ward, the hue and the cry, and the assize of arms.” This was also one the first instances in which citizens became involved in preventing crimes or apprehending those responsible.
Answer the following questions:How have these laws led to the historical development