The History of Islam – Essay – airealthelittle
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The History of Islam
The history of Islam
Islam is one of the youngest religions of the 5 main religions in the world. It was founded in 622 CE in the Middle East, Muhammad was the founder of this religion. He has learned of all the other religions that were around at that time. This is a monotheistic religion with the belief of heaven and hell. Their main tenet is submitting to, Allah, their God.
Muhammad had a life that you would not expect someone that founded a religion to have. He didn’t have a father at birth and his mother died years later after his birth so he had a lot of grief in his life. He was taught other religions,like judaism and christianity, in his childhood His life took a turn when he married at 25 to a wealthy merchant and he himself became fairly successful. He died due to a fever at age 62 in his wife’s arms.
He began to have visions of another otherworldly entities. That led him to thinking he was possessed by a demon, which induced suicide. Before he killed himself an angel stopped him. That led him to believe about the religion that the angel lectured him about. He started to convert other people into islam. His main occupation at this point was to preach in public and try to convert as many people as he could, and warn people about heaven and hell. His involvement with some of the wars or battles that the religion has caused is well known.
Muslims worships their only God, Allah who they believed made everything. Heaven and Hell is another key part to their religion because they are one of the few religions who believe in life after death and eternal punishment or peace depending on how you live life on earth. Their bibles both mention an apocalyptic day where their god will come down and save all the people that are good and leave the bad to die. Throughout their life they are required to follow the five pillars of Islam. These are rules or requirements that they have to follow. The first one states that you shall only believe in their one god. The second says you shall
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"The History of Islam." 12, 2015. Accessed 12, 2015.
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By: airealthelittle
Submitted: December 6, 2015
Essay Length: 615 Words / 3 Pages
Paper type: Essay Views: 489
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