Our Father
Our Father which art in heaven hallow be thy name; (Matthew 6:9). Lord I come before for as humble as I know how, Lord, Father God, My redeemer, my counselor, I come as a child begging for bread, I come because you say I could come.

Lord let your holy spirit rest upon me, lord you said in your word that your will be done, lord we know that we are in the world but not of the world and whatever we bind on earth you will bind in heave n; whatever we loose on earth you will lose in heaven.

Here I am Lord before your throne this morning that you will give us peace, save the lost, heal the sick. Lord I pray you will touch our life that they me come to an agreement for a debt solution for the United States. Heal and bless the leader, bless the lay members, bless my family name by name and one to one, and continue to do the perfect work in them.

Lord forgive me for sins know and sins unknown. Lord anything not like you Im ask you to give me a pure heart and cleaned hand to I might not sin against god. Every word that comes out of my mouth let me think of you. Lord you said is anxious for nothing. Increase as I decrease. Lord I forgive anything one that has use, curse or hinder my children, my husband and me what you have store for us.

Lord I know that the devil roams the earth seeking who he can destroy. That we may not fall for the wiles of the devil. Lord I pray that you continue to reign and have dominion in my life in Jesus name I pray. Amen

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Holy Spirit Rest And Lord. (July 8, 2021). Retrieved from https://www.freeessays.education/holy-spirit-rest-and-lord-essay/