Economy- Look for the Economic Growth
Economy- Look for the Economic Growth
TABLE OF CONTENTSI-        INTRODUCTIONII-        HOST AND HOME COUNTRY ENVIRONMENTIII-        INSTITUTIONAL FACTORSIV-         RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSION (1-2PAR)V-        REFERENCE LISTI-        INTRODUCTION        Obj/ purpose        Structure (what should be covered in the report?)        strength and weakness of the country        Importance of IB and host country environment (political and economy factor)II-        host and home country environmentPESTLE discuss each.  then summarizes one paragraph why the pestle analysis supports the country for IB. Or are the pestle supports the IB expansion in the country chosen?How the macro environment of pestle supports IB?? What factor in pestle supports IB?Political – Look it generally across the govt, what type of government does your chosen country have? Is the govt policy changing or stable?Economy- look for the economic growth, is there high or low employment or Unemployment rate?  GDP???  Is the country facing recession? Economic freedom score??Singapore has recorded an incredible economic growth all throughout the previous decade and is categorized as a high income financial system or economy.

Social/ cultural-  religion doe the religion in that country accepts your business???Technology- the level of technology is it high or low? How fast is their technology?        Can info be transferred immediately? Is there no slow down of tech or internet?        What are factors of technology that they have?        How does technology reduce production cost? Vv and how will support IB?Legal-  look for the FDI laws of the country, does it has copyright law?  What are laws favourable and unfvorable in in the practice of the bus? Laws about certain goods?? What are the benefits of the laws??? Environment-  what environment is suitable in any products?? MAKE ONE TABLE EACH FOR THE HOST (MOST IMPORTANT) AND HOME COUNTRYCountry factor analysis on host/ home country ( MACRO ENVIRONMENT ANALYSIS)Country factorBENEFITSCOSTSRISKPOLITICALStability?IS THE GOVT OFTEN CHANGING?ECONOMYGrowing economy?SOCIAL/ CULTURALTECHNOLOGYLEGALENVIRONMENTIII-        INSTITUTIONAL FACTORSDiscuss WTO ( what is the important duty of WTO to the country youve chosen?) , WB, IMF, G120Then with one paragrapg discuss why the institutions support IB? Did any of the institutions contribute or encourage IB?  What is the relationship of this institutions to the country that will support IB?

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Home Country Environmentiii And Weakness Of The Country        Importance Of Ib. (June 9, 2021). Retrieved from