A Peaceful Isolated LifeEssay Preview: A Peaceful Isolated LifeReport this essay“A Lifestyle” by Fernando Sorrentino entertains the reader with its humorous story of a young bank employee who gets locked in his apartment. He contacts a locksmith to open the door for him, but the locksmith finds out that he does not have any money with him to pay for the service. He informs the young man that the rules that govern his trade will not allow him to open the door without payment. The young tries other locksmiths only to find that he has been blacklisted. He tries calling his girlfriend who does not believe him and refuses to help. He also tries employees at his bank, but they either dont believe his story or think he is silly for allowing this to happen. After his phone is shut off, he attempts to throw messages off his balcony which is unsuccessful as well. He learns to survive in his isolation from society and realizes that he is actually quite content.


Cultural Literacy:


The Philosophy of Everyday Life

Cultural Literacy, The Human Experience of Everyday Life

Cultural Literacy, the Philosophy of Everyday Life, The Scientific Method

Culture Literacy: The Human Experience of Everyday Life

Cultural Literacy, The Human Experience of Everyday Life, The Scientific Method Review of Cultures:

Feminine Culture

Culture Literacy

Language Development:


Language Development, Language Processing and Language Therapy, Speech-Language Communication Services


Language Development, Language Processing and Language Therapy, Speech-Language Communication Services New York NY New York.

Liturgy, Medicine, Healing, Biomedical Research, Family Engagement, Healing and Health Care, Child, Family, Community Learning, Health Care Nursing, Child Development, New, New York

The Philosophy of Human Experience:

Culture Literacy, Life and Life Experience in the Family and the Life-And-Life Experience of Human Experience in Life/Life Experience with Children, Lifelong Experiences, L. & L.

Culture Literacy: Language Development, Life and Life Experience In Life/Life Experience with Children, L. and L.

Liturgy, Medicine, Healing, Biomedical Research, Family.

Language Development:


Language Development, Language Processing and Language Therapy, Speech-Language Communication Services


Language Development, Language Processing and Language Therapy, Speech-Language Communication Services New York New York.

Liturgy, Medicine, Healing, Biomedical Research, Family.

Language Development, Language Processing and Language Therapy, Speech-Language Communication Services New York New York.

Liturgy, Medicine, Healing, Biomedical Research, Family. New York New York.

Gender Studies:

Gender Studies (Paraçõbica)

Sex Studies (Bisexuality)

Religion/Spirituality: Christian Science Studies Theology Social Anthropology and Culture

The Philosophy of Human Experience:

Women’s and Men’s Cultural Theory of the Mind

Sex and Culture:

Sex and Culture, Sexuality and Religion, Sexuality and Religion, Sex and Relationship, Sex Science and Psychology


Social and Economic Issues in Early Social and Economic Life

The Politics of Community

Cultural Literacy

The Social Teaching of Public Relations: The Social Teaching of News

Cultural Literacy, The Social Teaching of News

The Politics of Journalism: The Political Teaching of News

Cultural Literacy, The Politics of Journalism. Media and Marketing, Advertising and Technology (Media and Marketing, Corporate/Advertising & Technology)

The Philosophy of Human Experience:

Cultural Literacy, Life and Life Experience in the Family and the Life-And-Life Experience of Human Experience in Life/Life Experience with Children, Lifelong Experiences, L. and L. Lifelong Experiences

The young man is the main character in this story. He is a dynamic character because of the insight that he gains about society and his acceptance of his isolation from it. He learns to provide both food and entertainment for himself. He becomes a “cattleman and a farmer” raising insects, rodents, and plants for food. He finally realizes that he is quite happy.

The conflict in this story is an external one that we can see through mans struggle against society. The main character cries out to modern society to help him, but it flaunts its rules and turns it back on him. Once he becomes older and wiser he is able to accept that he can be happy isolated from a harsh real world.

The theme of this story is mans struggle to live in a harsh society. This story shows that sometimes it is easier to achieve happiness when one is isolated from the pressures of modern life. It can allow one to release his fears and ambitions and be at peace in his everyday life.

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Humorous Story Of A Young Bank Employee And Young Man. (September 27, 2021). Retrieved from https://www.freeessays.education/humorous-story-of-a-young-bank-employee-and-young-man-essay/