Impact of Csr Activities on Economic Performance of Company
Impact of Csr Activities on Economic Performance of Company
Study Oriented ProjectProject Report onIMPACT OF CSR ACTIVITIES ON ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE OF COMPANYPrepared under the supervision ofDr. Praveen Goyal(Department of Management)Submitted byVikas Jakhoria (2011B3C7360P)Anil Kumar Poonia (2011B3TS062P)[pic 1]BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & SCIENCE, PILANIPilani Campus2013-14ACKNOWLEDGEMENTWe take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude and deep regards to our Instructor Dr. Praveen Goyal, lecturer (BITS-Pilani) for his exemplary guidance, monitoring and constant encouragement throughout the course of this project. His catalytic role has really inspired me to accomplish this report in a very short span of time.TABLE OF CONTENTS[pic 2][pic 3]TITLE CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTIONIntroductionMotivation For StudyProblem StatementMethodology Adopted In Present StudyOverview of Present StudyCHAPTER 2: REVIEW OF LITERATURE2.1 Overview of Indian FMCG Sector2.2 Evolution of CSR 2.2.1 Historical definition of CSR 2.2.2 CSR in the 21st Century2.3 Relationship between CSR and Financial Performance 2.3.1 Relevant theories that suggest a positive relationship 2.3.2 Relevant theories that suggest a negative relationship 2.3.3 Experiential studies of CSR and financial performance2.4 Gaps identified from literature2.5 Need for study2.6 ConclusionCHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY3.1 Research objective3.2 Sample Size3.3 Data CollectionCHAPTER 4: DATA ANALYSIS4.1 ITC4.2 NESTLE4.3 JOHNSON & JOHNSON4.4 COCA-COLA CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSIONResearch Implications and Limitations
REFERENCESCHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION1.1 INTRODUCTIONNowadays, the importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been more considered by firms than ever. Most of the Fortune 1000 companies issue CSR reports, they not only care for their responsibility but also they consider it as a key to business. Many firms know that they can get benefits from their social actions. Some of the most significant advantages of CSR are: improved company image and reputation, raised ability to draw and keep employees, and potentially decreased regulatory mistake. The study in economics and direction on the benefits and costs of CSR is growing very fast. Marketing researches prove that ―70% of European consumers consider important a firm‘s commitment to CSR when buying a product or service and, moreover, 1 in 5 consumers would be willing to pay more for products that are socially and environmentally responsible‖. In 2003, many current studies disclosed that ―more than eight in ten British consumers consider important that a firm shows a high degree of social responsibility, when making their purchasing decisions. Also, most of customers feel that firms do not pay attention and take action to their environment and social concern. In a study of Mohr and Webb (2005) about the impact of CSR on price and consumer responses, the results show that CSR has a positive impact on consumers’ valuation of a company and on their buying habits. The study also discovers that a low price does not emerge to recompense for a low level of CSR.